Your compassion can be a boon to you today when your loved ones come to you to share their current lot of troubles. Since you likely feel sympathetic, even if you cannot wholly relate to the challenges they face you may find yourself moved to offer as much support as you possibly can. Whether your initial impulse is to simply listen to the complaints of those you care for or to offer constructive solutions, you will likely discover that they are grateful that you are there to provide comfort. By paying careful attention to the emotional signals your loved ones project today, you can give them the precise form of reassurance they desire.

The comfort we give to others in their times of need is reflective of our ability to empathize with distress or sorrow that is not necessarily an aspect of our immediate experience. Since we do not have to have a direct relationship to the turmoil in question to feel for those coping with life\'s challenges, we can be there for people in need of our aid and support in a much wider variety of situations that would otherwise be possible. Our compassion and our general understanding of the pain that is an unavoidable part of life is enough as these provide us with all the tools we need to give comfort to others. A listening ear and a shoulder to cry on can be a soothing antidote to the rigors of modern living. The sympathy you show others today will prove to them that you comprehend what they are going through.