You may feel generous and want to be of service to others. Perhaps you want to donate time or money to a charitable cause. You may also feel like doing things for people in need, like the homeless, the poor, or the elderly. Give yourself permission to give to others if that is what you are called to do today. Allow yourself to feel good about your contributions even if you are giving without expectation of anything in return. Allow other people to thank you for your generosity. Somehow, we grow richer every time we give of ourselves. Be ready to receive abundance in your life--that is what happens when you increase other people's abundance with your acts of goodwill.

When we give of ourselves with no thought of return, we are amazed at the gifts we receive. Giving selflessly to others is an act of love that can fill us with satisfaction beyond measure. Not only do we have the opportunity to see how our gifts benefit others, but we get to experience the priceless sensation that comes from offering our care and concern to others. The fact that we are in a position to give allows us to appreciate the overflow of abundance in our lives that allows us to give freely. Give what you can today in service of others, and your efforts will carry a handsome return.Gifts From Giving
Today's Gemini Horoscope

You may feel generous and want to be of service to others. Perhaps you want to donate time or money to a charitable cause. You may also feel like doing things for people in need, like the homeless, the poor, or the elderly. Give yourself permission to give to others if that is what you are called to do today. Allow yourself to feel good about your contributions even if you are giving without expectation of anything in return. Allow other people to thank you for your generosity. Somehow, we grow richer every time we give of ourselves. Be ready to receive abundance in your life--that is what happens when you increase other people's abundance with your acts of goodwill.

When we give of ourselves with no thought of return, we are amazed at the gifts we receive. Giving selflessly to others is an act of love that can fill us with satisfaction beyond measure. Not only do we have the opportunity to see how our gifts benefit others, but we get to experience the priceless sensation that comes from offering our care and concern to others. The fact that we are in a position to give allows us to appreciate the overflow of abundance in our lives that allows us to give freely. Give what you can today in service of others, and your efforts will carry a handsome return.