A sense of adventure may seize you today, urging you to seek new lands and cultures to explore. You may be feeling audacious as you walk into a travel agent\'s office or a restaurant dedicated to foreign cuisine. You may feel bold enough to approach strangers to ask about their style of dress or their accent. In this world of dualities, our explorations often show us our similarities as much as our differences. And seeking to learn about the outside world also leads us to learning more about our inner landscape. Whether you make plans to leave the country today, or just to leave your familiar path, your explorations will help you find the adventure you seek.

We can think about the world\'s geography as the map of our selves. The different continents can represent our various body parts and organs, with their cultures and languages indicating their different roles within the whole. Our liver and our heart have different jobs, but they both are necessary for the functioning of the entire body. With this map in mind, when we learn about other cultures, we realize we are gaining a greater understanding about the world we all share. And just as we can\'t apply the same treatment to an ear as to a knee, neither can we expect different cultures to behave in the same ways. Today you can let your sense of adventure and exploration lead you to an understanding of the mosaic of world unity and the importance of variety in oneness.