Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Cancer Horoscope: Spreading Tolerance

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October 12, 2016
Spreading Tolerance
Cancer Daily Horoscope

You may take an idealistic approach to life today that allows you to exercise extreme tolerance in your interactions with others. Though you may notice the divergent manner in which the people you encounter approach work, play, and the nurturance of the self, you'll likely respond by adopting an attitude of live and let live. Should you find yourself in a situation where a person or organization is threatening the rights of another, you may surprise yourself by taking action. Your thoughts may be centered on justice and defending the liberties of individuals who are on the receiving end of intolerance. If others question your rights today, you will likely quickly find aid in the form of progressive thinkers like yourself who share your love of acceptance.

Defending the beliefs of others is the simplest way to ensure that aid will be forthcoming when our values and personal ideologies come into question. There are as many different ways to approach life as there are people living on earth, all equally valid and potentially successful. Accepting that others will think differently and recognizing their right to hold divergent opinions enables us to create a culture of tolerance. To spread this tolerance, we must live our values and protect the rights of the downtrodden. As more people begin to see the merits of acceptance, an ever-growing pool of individuals willing to speak on behalf of and stand up for our beliefs is formed. Your willingness to defend others' rights today will ensure that help is there when you are faced with intolerance.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Falling in Love with Yourself
by Mother Mary as channeled by Danielle Gibbons

Mother Mary has often said to those who seek Her, "If you knew yourself as I know you, you could not help but fall in love with yourself." As spiritual seekers we are told often to love ourselves. But the exact details of how to do that can be elusive. Why do we still struggle with self punishing habits after trying so hard to change? What we need is an ally. Mother Mary's teachings are based in absolute love and devotion to humanity. She brings to each teaching the unconditional love and acceptance we all seek as human beings. Mother teaches that we are divine because we are human, not in spite of it. By saying yes to this course, you give Mother Mary permission to awaken this knowing in you, at whatever level your soul desires. As a result, you will experience Her teachings as unique, powerful, and practical. Throughout this course She will suggest actions to take that are simple yet profound in their ability to transform. Some include specific writing exercises, active me! ditations, new ways of looking at yourself and things to do out in the world.

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