Saturday, April 23, 2016

Detox Your WHOLE Life in 21 Days

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April 23, 2016
Detox Your WHOLE Life in 21 Days
Detox Your WHOLE Life in 21 Days

by Ellen Whitehurst and Sadie Nardini

The following is an excerpt from the "Detox Your WHOLE Life in 21 Days" on-line course. If you would like to enroll in the course, click here.


Say "goodbye" to ……… NO-ING MORE THAN YOU THINK!

She says: From all of my experiences in dealing with the fallout from negative self-talk, both personally and professionally, I can safely say that I have NEVER met anyone who didn't chat it up inside their owns heads for a good part of each and every day. I am also clear that much of this self-confab is not always conducted in the most self-supportive manner either. Research shows that much of this potentially destructive internal dialogue comes from negative assessments made from family of origin (parents, grandparents etc) and other important influences (teachers etc), all of whom impacted our childhood in some significant way. Recent studies now say that it's necessary for the ratio or positive-to-negative comments to be AT LEAST five to one for healthy self-esteem, self-worth and self-love to properly develop during those same early years. But as we mature and those beliefs get a grip the person holding the proverbial potential killing poison pill is US as we might "NO"! more than we think. The next time you find yourself engaging in ANY sort of negative self-talk, STOP yourself and begin to count to ten. When you hit the number 3, pause and say the word "STOP" aloud. Then replace that stinkin' thinkin' with a more affirmative statement. You can say it aloud nine or 27 times or spend a few minutes writing it in red pen 9, 27 or 49 times. Sign your name to the written affirmation and understand that you have just taken an action step that will end this behavior forever, of that you can be sure. As New Thought guru Florence Shinn once affirmed, "Sure-ism is stronger than Optimism." Of that you can be positively sure too!

She says: Something Ellen said up there is really powerful (Then again, what isn't when it comes to Ellen?): how your family of origin and other influential people can so easily instill negative talk. Think about it: you weren't born feeling less than in any way. You were probably more gangly, clumsy and clueless than you are right now when you were a child, but until we get alternate messages, we still run free, play and laugh at the joy of life. I don't know many 5 year-olds that get upset thinking they're fat...unless someone else told them they are. So, what have you taken on that's not yours?

In yoga, we call these stories 'samskara', or the ruts of thinking we get into. Some can be positive tracks, and some negative and what's freeing to know is that we all have them, only some of us have jumped tracks through re-doing our thinking patterns and taking new actions from there. The goal is to make your constructive ruts super deep, and let the destructive ones grow over with wildflowers from disuse.

Today, look inside yourself to the things you dislike about yourself or dis-believe about your own power. When something makes your heart feel heavy, constricted or just plain bad, you know you've hit upon one of these sinkholes of Spirit. To not fall in, and in fact, to begin filling those holes until you're back on solid ground, read on!

Say "hello" to ……… THE NEW MORE POSITIVE YOU!

Your Empowering Exercise of the Day: DAY ONE

Pose: Seated Cat/Cow

Sadie Says: This move is perfect for moving and shaking off any negative energies that have accumulated in and around you from any negative Self-talk. Plus, the deep breathing, serotonin release from the belly work and spinal stretches add up to a new & improved mood, helping you find a happy place in the midst of any stressful storm.


• Lean forward, and as you inhale, press down into the earth. Wave up long through your spine, lead with your heart.
• Scoop your chest forward and up to open and lift the front of your heart away from the pubic bone.
• Move right away into the next pose.

Exhale, scoop your tailbone first, toning your front spine and belly back. Curl in, open your shoulder blades wide and stretch the back of your heart higher away from your sacrum.

Repeat Cat/Cow for one minute or longer.

Ellen's Eliminator: Negative self-talk is destructive, discouraging and often times devastating. Since so much research and so many studies indicate that this behavior and these beliefs stem from what is programmed into our subconscious and our psyches during childhood, aligning and adjusting the Feng Shui of the 'CHILDREN / CREATIVITY' area will offer immediate and long-lasting relief from any repetitive and self-fulfilling contrary chatter. You can locate this space by visiting the BAGUA link on This arena strongly shifts energies where our own 'inner child' is concerned and can greatly aid in eliminating any negative behaviors that were embedded during that early period of our lives. Position, affix and/or.hang a clear crystal anywhere inside this space in order to bring brightness and lightness to your own inner child. The potential of placing any sort of clear crystal here is for successful shifts to occur in the ways of thinking that have been ! present since childhood while also supporting and increasing a healthy sense of self-confidence, esteem, self-love and worth. It's time to let your child play and send negative self-talk far, far, away. And then you will live happily ever after.

For more information visit:
> Detox Your WHOLE Life in 21 Days


DailyOM Course Spotlight

Heal Your Money Karma
by Spencer Sherman & Brent Kessel

Money has remained in shadow for so long that when we consciously bring it into the light and simply acknowledge the darkness, shame, and fear that we have around money, we begin to transform our old patterns. Being in denial, obsession, or resistance with any of our patterns, keeps them firmly in place. The spiritual tools are now available for us to challenge our initiation into money and undo our ancestral conditioning. In place of worn money beliefs and undermining behaviors, we can access and affirm beliefs and behaviors which align with who we are today. This 8-week course on healing the money life that you inherited from your parents (which they inherited from their parents, and so on…). In just 8 weeks, you can stop the karmic repetition of stressful and energy-leaking thoughts and behaviors around money. You can forge a new relationship with money based on your current spiritual values. You can discover and reclaim your true inheritance: wisdom, prosperity, joy, con! sciousness, and generosity.

> Get the first lesson now

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  Detox Your WHOLE Life in 21 Days

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