Saturday, April 16, 2016

Animal Communication Made Easy

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April 16, 2016
Animal Communication Made Easy
Animal Communication Made Easy

by Joan Ranquet

The following is an excerpt from the "Animal Communication Made Easy" on-line course. If you would like to enroll in the course, click here.

Animal Communication is a lot of things. It is the communication between humans and animals, it is the communication between animals and among animals in different species. It comes in the form of body language, species specific sounds and language, signals and ultimately, telepathy.

Telepathy is the transference of pictures, words and feelings. Animals communicate this way. A great example of this is when a small herd of deer take off without any seeming signal. Or a flock of birds all seem to know they need to get out of the way. When we talk or think, we are actually thinking in pictures. When we speak out loud, whether we know it or not, we are transmitting pictures. We are also always picking up pictures, even if we don't realize it. I like to illustrate this because, a lot of times, we think things are our idea.

When you suddenly get off the couch and, as if you were a robot, being driven by something, go and get the leash to take a walk you didn't even feel like taking, you were probably being sent directions by your dog! If the dog beats you to the leash, either they had been sending you the message for a long time, or your abrupt pictures led them to run to catch up, because, they finally get to go on the walk!

Pictures, words and feelings are telepathically being bandied about, at all times. I know that some people don't think they see pictures. They don't even realize they think in pictures. I had one student that used to come to my workshops and say "I don't see anything from the animals. When I close my eyes, I only see black". I knew she was seeing pictures, because of the images she would describe after doing a reading of one of my animals. After a couple of workshops, one day, this same student said "And I saw a lot of greenery, like bushes, behind the barn." All of the other students and I just looked at each other. I said to her "Okay, you finally admitted that you "saw" greenery. She was amazed. Like I had been saying all along, she was indeed thinking in pictures also, it is just so subtle, she didn't realize she was doing it until she said those words!

Transmitted emotional feelings are more perceptible. People recognize this a little easier. Yet, it is all part of the "telepathic" spectrum. Have you ever walked into a room and felt the sadness of another? Whether it is an animal or human? Have you ever walked into a room full of people in a perfectly good mood, only to leave the party, slightly depressed? Both of these examples are telepathic transmission. One explanation of our emotional feelings being passed among us is the mirror neuron. The mirror neuron is a neuron that "mirrors" another. We all have a mirror neuron and it is responsible for the transmission or mirroring of certain feelings.

When we go to the movies, and watch a character on the screen fall down the stairs, we catch ourselves internally saying "ouch, ouch, ouch" as the character bump, bump, bumps down the stairs. That is the mirror neuron at work. The mirror neuron is empathy in our physiology. The mirror neuron would also aid in our ability to literally feel the physical pain of another. And, once again, telepathically would account for how it is transferred. Have you ever felt like you got a pain in your leg suddenly? Have you ever had a twinge in your back and you did nothing physical to create it? Have you ever left a lunch date with an old friend and left with her migraine? Have you ever sat with a friend who is about to go into neck surgery and when you drive away, you have "sympathy pains"? All of this is telepathy. Whether you know it or not, you are "doing" telepathy, transmitting at all times.

Your animals in your household are picking up on your pictures, words and feelings at all times and you are moving through their pictures words and feelings at all times. If you come home from work, after a stressful day, they are aware of it. If you are not in your "game" because of your physical health, they are aware of it. This is Animal Communication!


Animal Communication is not a magic pill. It is not a magic potion. It is not a quick fix. It is not having some "ANIMAL COMMUNICATION AUTHORITY" bestowing it's great power and MAKING your animal change! It is not waiving a magic want. However, shifts can seem like a miracle!

Animal Communication can be a negotiation. It usually requires a shift on the human end as well.

I wasn't born an animal communicator or a pet psychic (I didn't talk to ducks when I was a child!). These were skills I learned and I believe that we all can be animal communicators. Now, as well as doing my consulting work, I teach basic communication and energy workshops so that pet guardians, breeders, trainers, and animal health care practitioners can learn how to get information that leads to understanding an animal's problems and needs.

People flock to my classes to learn how to receive information from animals, thinking that will make the communication between them better. Communication is a two-way street (at the very least). Through this book, I hope that you will see not only how much you are already receiving, but what you are presently sending. Learning how to send better information more efficiently can enhance all aspects of your life.

What is considered "animal communication" is actually the use of telepathy; the sending or receiving of information by way of the subtle language of mental pictures, words, and feelings. Many of you have already experienced telepathy. Say a loved one is away and you have a strong sensation about them, a feeling about them or urgency to connect with them. Later on in the day you receive an e-mail, a phone call, or something in the mail from them. We tend to dismiss that as a coincidence, but it's actually telepathy at work and is every bit as real as the bank statement that also came in the mail that day. We live in a dual reality: there is that which we can see in tangible form before us, and also the energy around us that can come in the form of those pictures, words, and feelings. Then there's the whole universal web of connections that already exist between all of us humans and with other life forms. So when you have one of those experiences that you would have previously! called a coincidence, know it is every bit as real as the bank statement.

You probably want to know how this invisible communication and connection affects your animals at home. The world is made up of energy. Outside influences affect our state-of-being making us on any given day perhaps joyful or depressed and then our state-of-being becomes its own force of energy that can have a direct impact on our animal companions. You will begin to recognize through the stories you'll read that even a subtle shift within your own state-of-being will have an effect on the animal companions in our households or barns. Hopefully, as you to make these subtle shifts and you have more harmony with your animals at home, this will have a ripple affect into the rest of your universe!

Telepathy knows no time or space. So the majority of my work consists of me sitting in my office doing a phone session while still in my riding clothes. The beauty of phone work is that I am able to connect up with many people and animals all over the country, or the globe for that matter. Usually clients e-mail me a picture of their animal and then call me at the appointment time: I often have back-to-back appointments on phone days. I get very quiet and connect up with the animal by way of the picture, which holds the animal's energy. I don't always work with pictures, but it makes life easier for me.

On the days I don't do phone session, I do house calls. This involves going to someone's home and meeting the whole family, meaning both the humans and their animal companions. I also frequently go to a barn and in consecutive sessions meet a number of riders and their horses, helping both of them. Day to day my work is ever-changing, and is never dull! One day it might be a dog that that likes to sneak of the yard and take himself for walks, another day a horse that wishes his owner had a better sense of humor! (You'll be reading more about these true cases later.)

The majority of the people I deal with are having a behavioral or wellness challenge with their animal companions when they come to me for help. Usually by the time they call me, they are losing hope. After our session, I connect them up with trainers, vets, or chiropractors, depending on what they need. Sometimes I feel like the networking sorting house.

Again, I am so grateful you are interested in Animal Communication. As a general reminder, below you will find my Animal Communication Housekeeping/good karma/ethics ground rules. And, remember, at no time is this to be used in lieu of Veterinary medicine or Training. Animal Communication can be used in conjunction with veterinary medicine and training.

Animal Communication Housekeeping As Animal Communicators, we must uphold a level of professionalism and discernment. This lays out some good ground rules, I'm sure I'm speaking to the choir on with the following:

• As an Animal Communicator, please have permission from the animal's human, caregiver, veterinarian or trainer before jumping in to see what is going on. This is just good clean karma.

• It is not okay to speak out of school about a session, meaning, we must be like priests in the confessional with the treasured information that an animal and their human companion have shared with us.

• As an Animal Communicator, please always remain neutral. Please always be aware of your own emotional level. Please be aware that as an Animal Communicator and healer, it is helpful to always have a solid self- awareness, check in with yourself and be aware of what healing work can be done on yourself. Our work on ourselves is never finished, as long as we are here in these human suits.

• At no time are you to diagnose. You may suggest an area where there is a blockage, you might describe symptoms, but please do not name diseases or conditions.

• Diplomacy and compassion go hand in hand. There is a person that is attached to the animal you are communicating with. Therefore, in order to make a change for the animal, please be kind and compassionate, use diplomacy and respect as you talk to the person. If you put the person on defense or make them wrong, you are doing more toward not helping the animal. People respond to kindness.

• Always honor the contract between the animal and God/Universe/Spirit and the contract between the animal and their human. Even if we think that we know something more or better about that animal or what the person can do to help, we can't have an agenda about it. It is up to them.

• Don't attach to information. If a person says, "That isn't my animal" quickly move on. Don't try to defend yourself. Use the "Yes, and…." approach. In improvisational theatre, if you were to stand on a stage and say "the sky is orange" and your partner says, "no, it's not", the scene would be over. Saying "Yes, and…." to clients, keeps the session moving along.

And, now for my favorite part: HOMEWORK!! Hooray they chorused!

For the next 7 days, I want you to take note in your journal, any pictures, words and feelings you are starting to realize AREN'T YOURS!

If you can find a source for them, great. If not, also great. Why is that great? Because you are starting to learn what is yours and what is not.

There is a fine line between being empathic and taking too much on or merging with another. If we can address this right off the bat, you will have super great practices as you enter a little deeper into the realm of animal communication. Animal Communication and Energy Healing for Animals are deceptively simple.

The hardest part is trusting the information. The homework of seeing if something is yours or not is also deceptively simple. Let's say you got a cramp in your leg, out of nowhere……well, you could simply ask if it is yours. If it goes away quickly, it may not be yours. If it stays, it might be.

The same goes for feelings. If you suddenly feel sad, you could ask "Is this mine?" If it lingers, it might be and then you can address it. If it doesn't, it may belong to a friend, a family member or even an animal in your household.

Lastly, if you get some kind of crazy or great thought out of nowhere, look around the room and see if it is your animal companion suggesting something to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is almost like a premeditation, meditation because you are going to get used to the idea that we can let go of things pretty quickly and get to as neutral as you can be as a human being living on planet earth at this particular moment in time.

I am so glad you joined me.

For more information visit:
> Animal Communication Made Easy


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  Animal Communication Made Easy

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