Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A More Loving Relationship, Allow Yourself Sensual Pleasure

DailyOM -

February 10, 2015
A More Loving Relationship, Allow Yourself Sensual Pleasure

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

How to Create a More Loving Relationship by Gina Lake - This 8 week course with author and intuitive, Gina Lake, will help you create the loving relationship you desire by helping you move beyond your ego and conditioning, which cause so much pain. We all search for love, but too often we find ourselves in difficult or challenging relationships. Is it possible to find true love and happiness with a partner? The answer is yes! Find out how you may be sabotaging the love that is possible and what you can do to transform your relationships by changing your relationship to your own thoughts. You will learn how to overcome the judgments and negativity that poison relationships, to handle the feelings that come up in relat! ionships, and to be present in the moment with your partner. This course will help you feel more accepting and forgiving so you can find happiness, peace and contentment within yourself. You have the power to determine how much love you will experience in any moment and in any relationship. Learn to unlock the love that is your true nature. more

Allow Yourself to Have Sensual Pleasure by Deonesea La Fey - Through this 7 week course with sensuality coach, Deonesea La Fey, you will get deeply intimate with what you feel about being feminine, and with what you really want to experience as a sensual woman. Do you ever feel that you are moving through your days with barely a moment to stop and breathe, nevertheless to give a thought to your sensuality? But what if your sensual urges are actually longings connected to your divinity – connected to a deep spiritual longing to be more fully embodied as a woman on this planet? This course will help you see that you CAN experience life as an abundant offering of pleasure and delight for your senses. You will learn ho! w to give yourself permission to feel sensual and passionate, to overcome body image issues and sexual shame to enjoy greater pleasure, and to uncover lost or hidden desires. As you open and allow the divine erotic feminine to flow freely through you, you will strip down to the truth of who you are as a sensual woman and recognize the pleasures available to you…in your own body, in your own life…just as you are right now. more

How to Find the One: Healing Your Heart by Anaiya Sophia - In this 8 week course with author and teacher, Anaiya Sophia, you will address the emotional wounds found in your heart that you have received in your intimate relationships with others. These wounds are the veils that have the potential to close down your heart, adding layers of protection and ways of resisting love. These human tendencies have to be removed in order to meet our Beloved. These are the kinds of issues that will arise once you meet, so here is your opportunity to work with the energies of betrayal, abandonment, denial, separation and judgement before they show up. These are the five guardians that stand at the entrance of the deepest ch! ambers of the heart. Through this course you will face these initiations so that you can build the courage and depth of presence that lead to the five qualities of Love – Agape, Eros, Philia, Storge and Rapture – thereby preparing to meet your Beloved. more

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

1. Permanent Weight Loss with Self-Hypnosis
2. Break the Grip of Past Lovers
3. Call in Your Beloved with Ease
4. Reinvent Your Self-Image
5. 8 Secrets to Releasing Stubborn Weight
6. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
7. The 4-Minute Peaceful Warrior Workout
8. Overcoming Creative Anxiety
9. Clear Your Home, Clear Your Life
10. A Year of Rumi

New Courses | All Courses

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Courses


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