Saturday, February 28, 2015

Be Free from Unhealthy Relationships

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February 28, 2015
Be Free from Unhealthy Relationships
Be Free from Unhealthy Relationships

by Rhonda Findling

The following is an excerpt from the "Be Free from Unhealthy Relationships" on-line course. If you would like to enroll in the course, click here.

If you are reading this then you are very likely someone who is trying to not call, text, e-mail or even Facebook a person that you:

• have broken up with or has broken up with you
• have determined is abusive
• are highly attracted to but they are not returning your level of interest (for whatever reason)
• have an unhealthy connection or relationship with
• is presently in your life but you're trying to not act needy with

Through this work deep feelings might emerge or get triggered while you work on detaching from the person you are having an unhealthy relationship with. You will be learning new behaviors, ideas, and concepts to use as tools to help support you in your process.

I suggest having a journal where you can jot down your thoughts, emotions, and ideas to help in your transformational journey. A journal will also be useful for the writing exercise at the end of the lesson.

The whole point of resisting the urge to call, text or email is to:

• Avoid the risk of getting rejected, hurt, and humiliated
• Give them a chance to feel the loss of you
• Not put yourself in a position of pursuing someone who doesn't return your level of interest
• Detach from someone you've broken up with or has broken up with you
• Detach from someone you've determined is not good for you
• Detach from someone who is abusive
• Detach from someone who is emotionally unavailable
• Not act too overly needy with someone who is currently in your life

When you contact someone you're not hearing from or trying to let go of there can be a pleasurable rush of adrenaline from the anticipation of seeing them, hearing their voice or reading their message. But this rush is just a temporary fix, which you may have to pay a tremendous price for.

Even if the person does respond positively when you contact them, it may be momentarily thrilling or electrifying, but soon the anguish will return, because the problem is still there. Nothing has really changed. You're still not a couple or the person remains emotionally unavailable. You'll just have to start detaching all over again, doubling your efforts.

If you've ended the relationship because someone was doing something that you experienced as hurtful or refused to tolerate any longer, contacting them would take away your credibility for the boundary you set. By initiating a contact you would also be colluding with the behavior that you already told them was unacceptable.


When you contact someone you're trying not to act needy with, it's often impulsive. Acting on impulse can make life exciting and dramatic but it can also put you at risk because you are not reflecting on whether it's a productive behavior. You're not thinking of the future and consequences. You're just acting in the moment.

So if you're thinking of making a contact, take time to reflect. Sit on your feelings. Endure your anxiety. Don't just do something because you feel like it. There could be disastrous effects if you do.

Call people in your support system to discuss any impulsive urges that come over you- whether to see, e-mail, call, or text them. Discuss and process your feelings with safe reliable people. Remember that feelings do pass. Feelings are only temporary, which is why it's important to hang in there even when the urge to contact them feels unbearable.

You have to do whatever it takes to endure urges to make a contact and move past them. As you do this more and more, you will feel yourself gaining emotional strength.


Clinging is any behavior that demonstrates holding on, not letting go. This can be exemplified by activities ranging from a compulsive phone call, text, or e-mail when they haven't responded to any of your previous contacts. Contacting someone who is not reciprocating your interest, or has rejected you is a form of clinging. The urge to cling can be irresistible. You know with your rational mind that your behavior isn't appropriate, but you are driven by a compulsion you feel you can't control. You may experience actual discomfort when you don't carry out the compulsive act.

It's essential to remember that clinging behavior causes most people to distance themselves even further. If someone has issues about intimacy your clinging will make them feel closed in and claustrophobic. They may feel that they have no room to breathe from your relentless trying to get them to prove that they're not going to leave you. Your clinging also makes you look emotionally hungry making them feel that they'll have to endlessly supply you with reassuring love which will scare them off.

It's human nature to have a hard time falling in love with someone who's bombarding them with phone calls, texts or e-mails. A clinging person doesn't leave someone a chance to long and yearn for them. They are so available another person doesn't have the space to fantasize about or miss them, which unfortunately is sometimes what falling in love, is all about.

Why clinging is not productive

There are people whose psychological problems prohibit them from having a relationship. These people are married to their pathology. Your chasing them will not break through their defenses, resistances and impairment.

Sometimes their lack of response or reciprocating is not even about you. It's truly about them. It doesn't make a difference because no matter who it's about; they just can't do it. They can't be there for you. You must face the truth of their unavailability so you can let them go and move on. Bottom line, you can't force another person's feelings, motivation for relationship, or emotional health no matter how many rules and programs you follow or implement.

In fact if you don't chase them around you'll get an opportunity to see what they do when they don't get any prompts or reminders from you.

Action steps: What you can do when you want to cling

• Go on dating sites online. It will also show you the abundance of people out there. You might also meet someone new who is even better than your ex or a person you're trying to let go of.

• Distract yourself - do whatever it takes to not think about your ex or a person you're trying to let go of even if it feels counterintuitive.

• Call someone in your support system.

Writing exercises

-Think of a time you were clinging to someone you were in love with. What were you feeling? What was behind the clinging? Was there another action you could have taken to not cling?

-What does it feel like to show someone that you have been clinging to that you are now independent? Does it feel empowering?

Action step/ Writing Exercise:

• The next time you feel insecure or lonely, try not to reach out to the emotionally unavailable person you are currently attached to. Instead, see how you get through it on your own. Write about your feelings that come up in your journal.
• Try to imagine life without the stress of an emotionally unavailable person's confusing behavior. Get to know how it feels to have emotional space free of them. Write about your feelings in your journal.
• Visualize yourself in a relationship with someone who's sure of their love for you. Someone who makes you feel secure. Someone who has never disappointed or betrayed you.
• Describe your relationship in your journal? What is that person like? How do you feel with them?

Spiritual Tip #5: Surrendering To What Is

If you're trying to hold onto someone even though you know it's a hopeless situation then you are resisting the inevitable. When it's time for someone to go you can't fight it. The relationship time with them has passed, even if it hurts. Surrender to what is.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Overcoming Fear
by Debbie Ford

How many times have you felt yourself shrink? How many times have you made yourself small enough to fit into some role? How many times have you kept your mouth shut when you wanted to speak out or handed over your power to someone who didn't have your best interests at heart? Fear is built into our human operating system. It is a useful emotion that has gone seriously awry. Fear can make us choose what we believe will keep us safe even when the opposite is true. It can make us believe that we can't do it, we are wrong, the cost is too high, the path ahead too difficult. Fear disguises itself with the voice of certainty, filling us with worry, doubt, and even dread. Fear is a very real emotion that can render us powerless. This 8 week course contains powerful lessons every 4 days that includes specific information about how to overcome fear, ignite self-confidence and embody courage. There is a new audio guided meditation with each lesson to help you directly access your inne! r wisdom, resulting in tangible action steps to help you take the steps to living a courageous life.

> Get the first lesson now

Top 10 DailyOM Courses:

1. Break the Grip of the Wounded Soul
2. Manifest Your Soulmate
3. Intimacy Without Responsibility
4. Heal Your Love & Relationship Karma
5. Permanent Weight Loss with Self-Hypnosis
6. A Year of Guided Meditations
7. Heal Yourself With Ayurveda
8. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
9. Shape Shift to Your Best Body Ever
10. How to Heal Your Broken Heart

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  Be Free from Unhealthy Relationships

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    Friday, February 27, 2015

    An Experiment in Gratitude

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    February 27, 2015
    An Experiment in Gratitude
    Empathy in Action

    by Madisyn Taylor

    Awareness of gratitude will allow you to savor and, above all, appreciate your life with renewed grace.

    Sometimes we forget to take the time to recognize the richness that defines our lives. This may be because many of the messages we encounter as we go about our affairs prompt us to think about what we don't have rather than all the abundance we do enjoy. Consequently, our gratitude exists in perpetual conflict with our desire for more, whether we crave time, convenience, wealth, or enlightenment. Yet understanding and truly appreciating our blessings can be as simple as walking a mile in another's shoes for a short period of time. Because many of us lead comparatively insular lives, we may not comprehend the full scope of our prosperity that is relative to our sisters and brothers in humanity.

    If you find taking an inventory of your life's blessings difficult, consider the ease with which you nourish your body and mind, feed your family, move from place to place, and attend to tasks at hand. For a great number of people, activities you may take for granted, such as attaining an education, buying healthy food, commuting to work, or keeping a clean house, represent great challenges. To experience firsthand the complex tests others face as a matter of course in their daily lives, try living without the amenities you most often take for granted. This can be a great experiment to undertake with your entire family or a classroom. Understanding working poverty can be as easy as endeavoring to buy nutritious foods with a budget of $100 for the week. If you own a car, relying on public transportation for even just a day can help you see the true value of the comfort and conveniences others do without. As you explore a life without things you may normally take for granted,! ask yourself for how long you could endure.

    The compassionate gratitude that floods your heart when you come to fully realize your abundance may awaken pangs of guilt in your heart. Be aware, however, that the purpose of such an experiment is to open your heart further in gratitude and compassion. This awareness can help you attain a deeper level of gratitude that will allow you to savor and, above all, appreciate your life with renewed grace.

    DailyOM Course Spotlight

    Activate Your Psychic Superpowers!
    by Debra Lynne Katz and Krishanti

    We all have to deal with problems, manage relationships, and make tough decisions on a daily basis. Much of the peace and harmony we experience in our lives depends upon how well we are able to manage these situations. Image how incredible it would be if you had the ability to tap into your innate psychic and intuitive powers to come up with solutions for all of the issues life presents - not just for yourself, but for others, too? With this course, you'll be able to do just that. While there are very few complete courses, if any, like this, these techniques have been taught in clairvoyant schools throughout the United States, Canada and Europe for over half a century to thousands of students who have gone on to assist countless others. Now for the first time, this information is presented in a unique on-line format in which students can work at their own pace and enjoy the benefit of listening to fun, relaxing and incredibly powerful healing audio meditations that will help! ! them cope with all aspects of life.

    > Get the first lesson now

    Top 10 DailyOM Courses:

    1. Break the Grip of the Wounded Soul
    2. Manifest Your Soulmate
    3. Heal Your Love & Relationship Karma
    4. Intimacy Without Responsibility
    5. Permanent Weight Loss with Self-Hypnosis
    6. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
    7. A Year of Guided Meditations
    8. Say Goodbye to Anxiety
    9. Heal Yourself With Ayurveda
    10. How to Quiet the Mind

    New Courses | All Courses

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      Empathy in Action

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    by Sara Wiseman

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    Thursday, February 26, 2015

    Chakra Incense, Tulasi Turquoise Necklaces & more gifts!


    February 26, 2015
    Chakra Incense, Tulasi Turquoise Necklaces & more gifts!
    Gift of the Week


    Chakra Incense - The Chakra Stick Incense line offers you seven blends of supreme fragrances developed according to ancient wisdom with the intention to open and stimulate each one of the seven main energetic centers located in our astral bodies. Continued use of these specially designed blends helps strengthen qualities related to each chakra, such as serenity, creativity, self-confidence, sensitivity, wisdom, concentration and enlightenment. This line of incense is designed to clean, balance and awaken one's energetic centers to elevate the body, mind and spirit.
    The normal price for this is $3.80/ea but for this Deal of the Day we are offering it for $2.66 (save $1.14) (Price only available for 48 more hours)
    Chakra Incense

    Tulasi Turquoise Necklaces - Wear these beautiful wooden necklaces with turquoise stones known for protection, open communication, creativity, serenity, and spiritual bonding. Available in Black or White.
    The normal price for this is $21.95 but for this Deal of the Day we are offering it for $15.37 (save $6.58) (Price only available for 48 more hours)
    Tulasi Turquoise Necklaces

    Angel of Passion Art Print - In honor of Valentine's Day and lovers everywhere, we present you with this beautiful angel artwork, which was created by Visionary Artist and Angel Communicator, Lori Daniel Falk, to remind you that a compassionate heart is essential to attract your true love, your soul mate, that partner you've been dreaming of.
    The normal price for this is $47.68 but for this Deal of the Day we are offering it for $25.68 (save $22.00) (Price only available for 48 more hours)
    Angel of Passion Art Print

    Choice Point [DVD] - Choice Point is a world-class documentary with the inspired goal of unlocking the secrets at the heart of transformational change. Is it true that we are all interconnected so that when one person transforms their life, they actually contribute positively to the reshaping of the entire world? In the hope of answering that one riveting question, Choice Point features major visionaries and inspirational figures of our time, including Sir Richard Branson, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Gregg Braden, Jack Canfield, Barbara Marx Hubbard, John Paul DeJoria, and James Caan, each of whom has overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges and obstacles in life to ultimately reach the pinnacle of true s! uccess—both personally and professionally.
    The normal price for this is $30.63 but for this Deal of the Day we are offering it for $16.65 (save $13.98) (Price only available for 48 more hours)
    Choice Point [DVD]

    Freedom From Stress [CD] - Freedom From Stress has been designed to help you de-stress, heal, regenerate your nervous system, balance your hormones and experience more peace and wellbeing in your life. Use this program several times a week to relax and experience more peace, joy and effectiveness.
    The normal price for this is $14.72 but for this Deal of the Day we are offering it for $8.23 (save $6.49) (Price only available for 48 more hours)
    Freedom From Stress [CD]

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