Wednesday, October 15, 2014

DailyOM: Changing Roles

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October 15, 2014
Changing Roles
As We Ebb and Flow through Life

by Madisyn Taylor

We all change throughout life trying new and different things, but the core of who we really are remains the same.

As we bob and weave with the ebb and flow of life our roles change, but our true self remains constant. As spiritual beings having a human experience, we go through many aspects of humanity in one lifetime. Living in the material world of opposites, labels, and classifications, we often identify ourselves by the roles we play, forgetting that these aspects shift and change throughout our lives. But when we anchor ourselves in the truth of our being, that core of spirit within us, we can choose to embrace the new roles as they come, knowing that they give us fresh perspective on life and a greater understanding of the lives of others.

As children, we anticipated role changes eagerly in our rush to grow up. Though fairy tales led us to believe that "happily ever after" was a final destination, the truth is that life is a series of destinations, mere stops on a long journey filled with differing terrain. We may need to move through a feeling of resistance as we shift from spouse to parent, leader to subordinate, caregiver to receiver, or even local to newcomer. It can be helpful to bid a fond farewell to the role that we are leaving before we welcome the new. This is the purpose of ceremonies in cultures throughout the world and across time. We can choose from any in existence or create our own to help us celebrate our life shifts and embrace our new adventures.

Like actors on the stage of the world, our different roles are just costumes that we inhabit and then shed. Each role we play gives us another perspective through which to understand ourselves and the nature of the universe. When we take a moment to see that each change can be an adventure, a celebration, and a chance to play a new part, we may even be able to recapture the joyful anticipation of our youth as we transition from one role to the next.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Overcoming "Not Good Enough"
by Pam Thomas, M.S., PMC, PCC

I grew up feeling the pressure of having to be someone I wasn't in order to fit in, basically not ever feeling good enough which lead to fears and feelings of not being deserving of the good things that life had to offer. Those feelings followed me throughout my teen-age years and on well into adulthood. I played the comparison game until the pressure became insane and the self deprecation a daily exercise..."If I only I was as skinny or as pretty as her.", "If I had her job and her income, I'd have it made.", "Why can't I have a relationship like they have?" The time is NOW to amp up your own attraction factor by blasting to bits the "not enough" messages, claim or re-claim your own personal power and confidence, kick fear and negative thoughts to the curb so that you attract the "good stuff" you truly deserve.

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  As We Ebb and Flow through Life

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