Wednesday, October 29, 2014

DailyOM: Are You Excited or Scared?

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October 29, 2014
Are You Excited or Scared?
Translating Our Feelings

by Madisyn Taylor

Sometimes the feelings of being scared and excited can elicit the same physical response in our bodies.

When new challenges and opportunities show up in our lives, we may diagnose ourselves as feeling scared when what we really feel is excited. Often we have not been taught how to welcome the thrill of a new opportunity, and so we opt to back off, indulging our anxiety instead of awakening our courage. One way to inspire ourselves to embrace the opportunities that come our way is to look more deeply into our feelings and see that butterflies in our stomach or a rapidly beating heart are not necessarily a sign that we are afraid. Those very same feelings can be translated as excitement, curiosity, passion, and even love.

There is nothing wrong with being afraid as long as we do not let it stop us from doing the things that excite us. Most of us assume that brave people are fearless, but the truth is that they are simply more comfortable with fear because they face it on a regular basis. The more we do this, the more we feel excitement in the face of challenges rather than anxiety. The more we cultivate our ability to move forward instead of backing off, the more we trust ourselves to be able to handle the new opportunity, whether it's a new job, an exciting move, or a relationship. When we feel our fear, we can remind ourselves that maybe we are actually just excited. We can assure ourselves that this opportunity has come our way because we are meant to take it.

Framing things just a little differently can dramatically shift our mental state from one of resistance to one of openness. We can practice this new way of seeing things by saying aloud: I am really excited about this job interview. I am really looking forward to going on a date with this amazing person. I am excited to have the opportunity to do something I have never done before. As we do this, we will feel our energy shift from fear, which paralyzes, to excitement, which empowers us to direct all that energy in the service of moving forward, growing, and learning.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Mojo Weight Loss
by Jacqui Justice

If you are overweight and feeling sluggish, somehow you have lost your mojo along the way. Reclaim your mojo and reclaim your health and vitality! Do you struggle with weight loss, finding it difficult to stay motivated and committed to your plan? Have you gained and lost the same 10 or more lbs. more times than you care to remember? Does your happiness and self-worth depend on the numbers on the scale? If so, then it is your mindset and approach that is the real issue here - not the diet or your inability to stick to it. What I'm saying is that you are going about this the wrong way, AND it's making it MUCH harder than it has to be. A more successful approach is to use what I call the "Mojo Mindset" which taps into the power of your inner mojo to help you achieve the results you are looking for. In this comprehensive 8 week course you will receive 1 weekly lesson which includes both a written and audio visualization and affirmation, a lesson that covers one or several topic! s, a daily action plan in the form of a weekly homework assignment, and an abundance of hands-on, useful information that you will use for years to come.

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  Translating Our Feelings

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