Facing the truth upfront rather than turning from it will keep your life moving in a forward and positive direction.
Most of us have had the experience of being in possession of a piece of truth that we were afraid to share because we knew it would not be well received. There are also instances in which we ourselves have been unable to handle some truth confronting us. This might be a small truth, such as not wanting to see that our car needs repairs because we don't want to pay for them, or a large truth, such as not fully accepting that someone close to us is pushing us away. Usually the truth is evident, and we can see it if we choose, but we have elaborate ways of hiding the truth form ourselves, no matter how apparent it is.
For the most part, we avoid the truth because it scares us, or makes us angry, or makes us feel like we don't know what to do. We often create our lives based on a particular understanding, and if that understanding turns out to be fully or even partially incorrect, we may feel that our whole sense of reality is being threatened. It takes a strong person to face the truth in circumstances like these, and many of us run for cover instead. Nevertheless, we can only avoid the truth for so long before it begins to make itself known in ever more forceful ways.
Ultimately, there is no way to avoid the truth, no matter how painful it is, so the sooner we let down our defenses, the better. When we know the truth and accept that we may have to adjust our lives to accommodate, we are in alignment with reality. At the same time, we can be patient with people around us who have a hard time seeing the truth, because we know how painful it can be. Whatever the truth is, we make a sincere effort not to close our eyes to it, but instead to be grateful that we have access to it.
Most of us do too much, or have more possessions than we need or use. Or both. With our lives swept up in an overwhelming swirl of attachments, worry, and endless, mechanical "doing," our minds become fuzzy on what stays and what goes, what matters and what doesn't. As humans it is in our nature to experience clarity and spaciousness all the time. The problem is we lose focus, get off balance, and forget how. So how do we dial it back - or even begin - to reduce the noise, release the stuff that doesn't serve and support us, and connect with that which makes our hearts sing? One minute at a time. In present time. No matter how miniscule the task or effort, the fact is, clearing anything consciously and gently as this 28-day program teaches, creates an energetic opening--a spaciousness--that will work on you slowly and surely to soften your grip of attachments to things, beliefs, and outcomes. Whether you are a super-organized neatnik, a hopeless clutterbug, a non-stop multi-! tasker, a curious beginner, or an experienced professional...welcome! This course is for you.
If you show up for yourself in your life, the universe will show up for you.
The way we walk into a room says a lot about the way we live our lives. When we walk into a room curious about what's happening, willing to engage, and perceiving ourselves as an active participant with something to offer, then we have really shown up to the party. When we walk into a room with our eyes down, or nervously smiling, we are holding ourselves back for one reason or another. We may be hurting inside and in need of healing, or we may lack the confidence required to really be present in the room. Still, just noticing that we're not really showing up, and having a vision of what it will look and feel like when we do, can give us the inspiration we need to recover ourselves.
Even if we are suffering, we can show up to that experience ready to fully engage in it and learn what it has to offer. When we show up for our life, we are actively participating in being a happy person, achieving our goals, and generally living the life our soul really wants. If we need healing, we begin the process of seeking out those who can help us heal. If we need experience, we find the places and opportunities that can give us the experience we need in order to do the work we want to do in the world. Whatever we need, we look for it, and when we find it, we engage in the process of letting ourselves have it. When we do this kind of work, we become lively, confident, and passionate individuals.
There is almost nothing better in the world than the feeling of showing up for our own lives. When we can do this, we become people that are more alive and who have the ability to make things happen in our lives and the lives of the people around us. We walk through the world with the knowledge that we have a lot to offer and the desire to share it.
If you are totally exhausted by carrying around a heavy load of unfinished business - and you are ready for real relief at last - this course is for you. How can you find peace unless you learn to let go? And what is letting go but forgiveness of all your past hurts, grievances and regrets? Once you learn to forgive, your energy will change. You'll feel lighter, more peaceful, and ready to live your life to its fullest. Your vibration will rise higher and higher as you leave behind all the heaviness of the past. Relationships, career and money issues will turn around - because YOU have turned around! This course is based on information from A Course in Miracles, Radical Forgiveness, scientific research, and life lessons from Ana and her years of counseling. It is specifically geared to bring you gently into your most troubled, tender spots with lots of compassion and trust. This course will give you a profound understanding of what forgiveness is, and how to use it in every emotionally difficult situation in your life...for a lasting change you can feel right away.
October 30, 2014 Invoking the Archangels Workbook, I AM Bracelets set & more gift Gift of the Week
Invoking the Archangels Workbook - Invoking the Archangel Workbook is designed to help you connect with the Archangels through a variety of hands on experiential exercises. This workbook teaches you how to work with the Archangels to help you heal your body, mind and soul. Whether you are in need of healing, forgiveness, protection, self-love or simply want to create a stronger connection with your angels, this workbook and the Nine Step Process will help you create that connection with your Angels and ultimately, heal your heart. This workbook can be used as a standalone or as a companion to Sunny Dawn Johnston's best-selling book, Invoking the Archangels A Nine-Step Process to Heal Your Body,! Mind, and Soul. The normal price for this is $15.63 but for this Deal of the Day we are offering it for $9.18 (save $6.45) (Price only available for 48 more hours) Invoking the Archangels Workbook
"I Am" Bracelets (Set of 5) - Designed to remind us of the important things in life, these bracelets symbolize the values that women cherish. Made from fallen branches, each charm is hand-branded with one of five meaningful signs. Colors may vary from the photo shown. But each set will include: a peace sign, a flower (for beauty), a heart (for love), a paw print (for compassion) and a breast cancer awareness ribbon. Each bracelet is packaged on a special I AM hangtag, suitable for gifting. Each bracelet is 7". The normal price for this is $52.63 but for this Deal of the Day we are offering it for $35.18 (save $17.45) (Price only available for 48 more hours) "I Am" Bracelets (Set of 5)
The Golden One Angel Art Print - This beautiful angelic art print was created by Visionary Artist and Angel Communicator, Lori Daniel Falk, to raise your vibrational frequency to the level of GOLD, the level of Joy, where love becomes unconditional and we begin the process of transfiguration, otherwise known as ascension. The Golden One is designed to: raise your vibrational frequency, move you through your emotional blocks, clear your limiting beliefs and transmute those things that are no longer serving you! The normal price for this is $43.59 but for this Deal of the Day we are offering it for $19.99 (save $23.60) (Price only available for 48 more hours) The Golden One Angel Art Print
Roots & Branches [DVD] - A Classical Practice For Transforming The Body, Mind, & Spirit. Two DVD Set: Water Wood Fire Earth Metal. DISC 1: ELEMENTS & MOVEMENTS explains and teaches postures, walks and massages designed to increase health and energy. Breathing and movement combine with easy-to-follow instructions. DISC 2: WORKOUTS contains several daily workouts are included to fit into any lifestyle. The normal price for this is $25.34 but for this Deal of the Day we are offering it for $13.66 (save $11.68) (Price only available for 48 more hours) Roots & Branches [DVD]
Positive Affirmations [CD] - Developing a positive mindset is one of the most powerful life strategies there is. Using powerful positive thinking techniques, visualizations and positive affirmations, it is possible to achieve whatever you want. In this CD release, Sunny and Kris team up to bring you an audio experience that offers words of wisdom and vibrational music that will permeate your consciousness and fill you with hope and inspiration. You can start your day off with a gentle, meditative, relaxed journey, or an energetic beat that moves your Spirit to these positive affirmations. The normal price for this is $17.77 but for this Deal of the Day we are offering it for $9.77 (save $8.00) (Price only available for 48 more hours) Positive Affirmations [CD]