Friday, February 26, 2010

DailyOM: The Breath of the Universe

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February 26, 2010
The Breath of the Universe
The Wind

We can entrust the wind to carry our voices out into the world, knowing it will be carried to its perfect destination.

We can connect ourselves with a basic force of nature by focusing on the essential element of air during a wind meditation. We begin by centering ourselves on our breath. We inhale the life-giving force, feeling it fill us, and then releasing it into the world to let our breath mingle with the breath of nature. If we cannot feel the wind right now, we can recall times when the wind has sent us gifts of caresses on bare skin, ruffling our clothes and playing with our hair. We can evoke sounds carried on the wind, maybe laughter or song, or perhaps just the wind's own whispers through the trees or across the landscape of our ears. We may summon up an image of falling flowers or leaves from above, vivid colors set free with the wind's encouragement. We may envision birds drifting on unseen currents with wings unbent, or flags and banners unfurled in the breeze. The scent of a sea breeze may come to mind, or the aromas of freshly baked treats or fragrant blooms that reach us fro! m a distance.

As these memories enliven our senses, we are feeling the vital force that surrounds and animates us. We can look to the trees to sway in time with nature's rhythm. Just as we can be soothed by the wind, we know that nature has great power. In a rush it can block out all sound, leaving us with only the beating of our hearts.

Wind can even make the inanimate dance and whirl gracefully. With a gentle sigh, the wind has carried sailors to faraway lands and balloons to great heights above. We can entrust the wind to carry our voices and best wishes out into the world, knowing it will be carried to its perfect destination. Releasing these precious offerings to its care, we remember that nature's power is as close as our breath, and we breathe deeply once again before returning to the world around us.

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    DailyOM: Affirmation Blankets, Yoga Nidra, Five Things


    February 26, 2010
    Affirmation Blankets, Yoga Nidra, Five Things
    Gift Of The Week

    Affirmation Blankets - Our Affirmation Blankets are the perfect size for a cuddle, nap or reading during cold Winter months. Imagine journaling about your hopes and dreams while snuggled under your affirmation blanket. During Spring and Summer months it makes a great blanket for a picnic or to keep in your car. Can also be hung on your wall for a big reminder of your hopes and dreams.The normal price for these blankets is $27.95 but for a limited time we are offering them at half off for $13.95 each.

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    Yoga Nidra (CD) - Literally translating to "yogic sleep," Yoga Nidra focuses on relaxation and guided imagery to create a sense of deep rest and peace. It's a perfect path for acclaimed U.K. flautist Terry Oldfield and his wife, yoga instructor and holistic health practitioner Soraya Saraswati. With Oldfield's flute providing minimal but highly effective accompaniment to Saraswati's gentle, powerful, and easy-to-follow yoga breathing and visualization instruction, it's as if they embody some astral set of parents soothing the tired, stressed world below them into a lulling afternoon trance.
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    The Five Things We Cannot Change (book) - Why is it that despite our best efforts, many of us remain fundamentally unhappy and unfulfilled in our lives? In this provocative and inspiring book, David Richo distills thirty years of experience as a therapist to explain the underlying roots of unhappiness—and the surprising secret to finding freedom and fulfillment.
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    Thursday, February 25, 2010

    DailyOM: Tethered to the Earth

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    February 25, 2010
    Tethered to the Earth
    Existing in Bodies

    Each of us are poised between the soil underneath our feet and the never-ending ethereal spaces around us.

    The physical self can seem like an encumbrance at times. We have little control over its demands, we must monitor it consistently, and its relative fragility can be discomfiting. Many people, therefore, unconsciously long to escape the confinement of their bodies, and this longing can manifest itself as physical discomfort, difficulty adjusting to the rigors of day-to-day existence, or a tendency to shy away from all that is associated with the human earthly experience. Yet the lifetime of physical existence we each must endure represents a vital plateau in our progression as enlightened beings. We inhabit our bodies for a reason. There is much we can learn while coping with the challenges, sensations, and sensitivities of the human body that we could not have grasped had we remained in spirit form. When we leave our physical selves behind to return to our original state, we will enjoy a supreme sense of freedom—yet we will always value the time we spent on earth.

    Being wholly present in your body can help you better understand how your time as a physical being is contributing to your development. There may be times when you feel that your consciousness is not grounded in your corporeal form. Your thoughts may seem scattered or spacey, or you may sense that your ethereal self is literally floating away. When this occurs, ask Mother Earth to ground you, or draw upon the potent grounding energy of mountains or trees. These powerful natural forces can help you reconnect with the earth by reminding you that living in a physical state can be a wholesome and enlightening experience. Wearing gemstones with grounding properties, bloodstone, for example, is another way to reaffirm your connection to the earthly plane.

    Human beings are tied to the earth, but not wholly of the earth. We are each of us, for the time being, poised between the soil underneath our feet and the never-ending ethereal spaces around us. The unease we occasionally feel in our earthly bodies is merely a by-product of our innate understanding of our dual natures. But the time we spend in our physical bodies will not last and should thus be cherished. For one day, when our evolution is complete, we will return to the source of life to become beings of light once more.

    Top 10 DailyOM Courses:

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    9. Heal Yourself With Ayurveda
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