20,256 people have taken this course

The energy system in our bodies holds on to each of our life experiences, such as the blissful exhilaration of jumping into the ocean for the first time or the excitement of a first crush. However, it just as strongly remembers the less joyful times. These negative experiences can lead to stagnant energy blocks within the body, and releasing them is a vital part of cultivating good health and well-being.

For women, this release can be achieved by connecting with Shakti, the feminine manifestation of pure source energy. By doing so, we can ensure our energy flow is clear, vibrant, grounded, and connected. Having the correct flow is particularly important because when we love how we feel, we love what we see. Ultimately, by learning to see and treat the female body as the magical, powerful, beautiful, sacred vessels they are, women everywhere can feel, move, and express their inner Shakti. And, with this course you will connect with your feminine power, release energy blocks, achieve deep healing, and ignite transformational inner strength and happiness.

Dance Into Your Feminine Power

Led by holistic fitness expert Alice Bracegirdle, you'll be guided, step by step, through the ten movement and breath sequences that will awaken and activate your inner Shakti Warrior and remove energy blockages so you feel stronger, sexier, confident, and empowered. Each 20-minute workout is designed to focus on a clear and specific energetic center, while also strengthening, lengthening, and toning your entire body. Using a unique and highly effective combination of belly dance, fitness, and yoga moves, you'll learn how to isolate and activate every muscle in your entire core, while simultaneously removing stagnant energy that is holding you back from stepping into your glorious feminine power. The low-impact movements are easy to learn, with the primary goal of enabling every woman to awaken her feminine energy and distribute that newly activated energy effectively through the body for maximum clearing, healing, manifestation, and overall feel-good magic.

What is included in this course:
  • 10 powerful movement and breath sequence videos that will teach you, step by step, how to awaken and activate the Shakti Warrior within for deep healing and restoration.
  • Expert guidance to help you identify and feel the flow of feminine energy in your body, with specific techniques to ensure that energy is going to all the right places for effective clearing and lasting healing.
  • Easy-to-follow instructions on how to execute the basic belly dance moves that are highly effective for moving feminine energy, strengthening the pelvic floor, toning core muscles, and increasing range of motion.
  • Insightful advice on how to truly listen to your body and invite free movements that are fluid, circular, spiraling, and sensual.
  • Actionable tips on how to get out of your head and into your body where your true power and wisdom lie.
  • A comprehensive analysis of how feminine holistic fitness enhances every area of your life, not just the body.
Who should take this course:
  • People who are seeking a workout that offers physical benefits like strengthening and toning, but also offers energetic and emotional cleansing and healing.
  • Women who are interested in connecting with and maximizing their feminine energy flow more intentionally and intensely within their body and life.
  • Anyone who wants to optimize their body's energy flow to clear out stagnation and blockages from past trauma.
  • Fitness, dance, and yoga enthusiasts who are looking to experience something fun and new, while also getting an effective workout with a unique holistic edge.
  • Individuals who want to form a deep spiritual connection with themselves and life and experience the sacred feminine in motion.
  • Those who are empowered to tone their body, head to toe, and simultaneously step into their strong feminine power.
When you awaken the healing, activating power of Shakti, you'll see incredible rippling benefits in every area of your life. Let's get you started on this energizing and empowering journey today!

What People Are Saying

"I loved this course, it was fantastic! It was just what I needed after a long day at the computer for work. My energy has been stagnant lately and this was the first time I felt it moving all week. I especially loved the Shakti Rising with breaths and Flowing Goddess moves. I also appreciated the suggestion of lighting a candle during practice. It helped with feeling a reverence for my body as the earthly home for my feminine spirit. I will be incorporating this into my daily practice after work. 20 minutes for myself to recharge!" -Anna

"Alice has created something truly remarkable and powerful in the world of holistic fitness for women. This style of movement combined with her expert instruction offers the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits I've been craving. I'm so happy I found this. It's a game changer that all women should experience." -Crystal

"This is the female focused fitness fusion I've been searching for my whole life! Thank you for helping me remember how beautiful, powerful, and magical all women are!" -Jennifer

"I really enjoyed my first class. I love belly dancing and yoga. I have also been focusing on balancing my chakras and this course perfectly blended all of those self-care goals into one." -Adaline

"I can't believe the transformation happening within me, it has shaken things up in the core. Shakti is guiding me to speak my truth, lay down some boundaries I have not laid before, and dive deep into healing - while visioning and creating my future. It's been very overwhelming, but it's important work that needs to be done. I just love the combination of intention, meditation, and dance working through the chakras." -Leah

"I am so grateful to be guided to your course! I am in the process of healing a childhood trauma and this course helped me tremendously! Thank you for being the embodiment of Shakti and for showing us that we can be too! During the lessons I felt the energies moving through me and transforming me into the powerful Goddess that I am." -Diana

"I just started this course and I love it!! I've always felt too clumsy to learn any kind of dance but I think it must be that I just get overwhelmed in regular classes. This is so much fun, the instructions are clear and since I'm doing it at home, there is no stress! Thank you so much for this course - I hope you do another one soon!" -Mari

About Alice Bracegirdle
Alice is a global leader and influencer in the world of women's holistic fitness, and has enhanced the lives of countless thousands with her uniquely Feminine movement fusion. As an exhausted, disempowered single mother of a baby girl many years ago, she had an awakening and realized the importance of all women being connected to their innate Feminine energy in order to heal and be truly empowered. By combining her many years in the fitness industry with her professional belly dance experience and her yogic up-bringing, she created a fusion style of movement designed specifically for the female body that is being taught and enjoyed by thousands of women around the world. Alice is now happily married, the star of over 40 female focused workout videos, and the CEO of an internationally acclaimed fitness corporation. She continues to inspire and motivate women of all ages and sizes to move in a way that makes them feel amazing and helps them connect with and express the beautiful, powerful Feminine energy that lives within.

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift
As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration excerpt which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Alice Bracegirdle that we think you might be interested in.

Get Started Now
We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

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