You may have a strong desire to love others and be loved in return today. Compliments, as well as declarations of love and friendship, may spring fully formed into your mind, and chances are that you won't hesitate to speak them out loud. Your friends, family, and acquaintances may respond favorably by returning your sentiments with both appreciation for your love and loving words of their own. Try not to let your desire to be loved today get in the way of your inclination to be loving. Hugs, kind words, attention, and a helping hand are all ways to express your love without having to say the words "I love you." If you are feeling vulnerable and worried about how your loving attention will be received, try not to worry because everyone loves to be loved.

One of the simplest ways of attracting love is to give love. When your motives are pure and you wish only to honestly express your affection, the people you care for will respond with love and appreciation. They will sense that you are seeking nothing in return and feel blessed that you have given such a rare and wonderful gift. The more you love others, the more love you will give to yourself because our relationships with others often reflect our relationship with ourselves. When you give your love to others today, you will naturally draw to you the love that you crave.