You may feel the need to ensure that people all over the planet are treated fairly and humanely today. A judicious and thoughtful mood can come over you, prompting you to seek out opportunities to join together with like-minded individuals in order to crusade for justice. Since you are likely reflecting upon injustices you have witnessed in the past, you may be more conscious than usual of the manner in which individual rights are being honored or suppressed. Consider whether your connections might allow you to bring together prominent people who are supportive of your cause. You can make a positive difference in the lives of the downtrodden today by allowing your passion to guide you in your quest for honesty and integrity in your community, in your government, and throughout the world.

Our willingness to do our part to protect the liberties of others ensures that aid will be forthcoming when we find ourselves in a position in which our rights have been compromised. Creating a culture that respects individual liberty is as simple as promoting justice through our choices and action. When we choose to speak out on behalf of those suffering from injustices, we awaken others to their plight and inspire people to take up the cause of judiciousness. We help institute a network of concerned individuals willing to step forward to challenge those who preach intolerance, and our passion for freedom is echoed in their readiness to offer protection. Your decision to build a society of equity today will enable you to bring like-minded people together in support of justice.