2,973 people have taken this course

Do you want to start getting what you REALLY WANT (instead of just settling for what you think you deserve)? Do you want to reinvent yourself, creating a positive, powerful, sparkling, radiant presence that announces to the world how much you LOVE yourself and your life? Imagine the energy of your true spirit amplified across the entire spectrum. Imagine your spirit shaping the whole of your experience, creating lasting excitement, happiness and fulfillment.

Believe it or not, you already hold the power to all this (and so much more). You just need to tap into the right internal energy. And this course will show you how! Your self-image is a combination of both your energetic vibration and your physical form. It informs the world of who you are, what you think of yourself, and how you expect to be treated. If your self-image is not in alignment with your true spirit, your vibration will feel tired, shabby, and low. Under these circumstances, you'll live a life pining away for those few bright spots that peek out amidst the ho-hum drudgery of daily monotony. Many of us carry around old, outdated images of ourselves that echo past pain and suffering. This negativity affects our vibration, preventing us from aligning with the people, places, and life experiences that reflect our true spirit.

Could you benefit from a self-image makeover? Here's a quick test:
  • Do you feel like your life isn't quite what you want it to be?
  • Have you noticed that people don't treat you the way you want to be treated?
  • Do you keep repeating unwanted patterns over and over again?
  • When you get started on an exciting new creative project or path, does something (or someone) derail your enthusiasm?
  • Are you dismayed by your reflection in the mirror?
  • Do the things you wear feel kind of "blah?"
  • Do you have the sneaking suspicion you're settling for less?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, a self-image makeover is EXACTLY what you need!

Transform Every Area of Your Life

In this 4-week program, you'll learn to identify and shift your vibration, wake up your soul, and re-program your energy field so you can transform your self-image and start living the life you really want. Classic makeovers are fun and transformative, and give you the chance to start fresh and new. When you incorporate energy work with actual physical change, you create powerful, magical alchemy that reaches every area of your life. You can't help but change, and your life experiences will absolutely start to match your new look and vibe!

This 4-week program contains powerful lessons, exercises, and guided meditations that will help you to:
  • Shift your vibration to get you in alignment with your true spirit
  • Discover what your self-image is, and what type of message and energy you're projecting out to the world (and then heal and transform it)!
  • Find out who in your life is holding you back and why, and do a healing to release and clear their energy from yours
  • Create a fun, new energetic image for yourself that will help you move forward in life
  • Make over and transform your physical appearance - start looking the way you REALLY want to look
  • Balance and heal the energy in your 3rd chakra of personal power
  • Balance and heal the energy in your 5th chakra, your voice
  • Re-program your subconscious mind to create a life you love
  • Align yourself with powerful archetypal images
  • Travel back in time to heal yourself from the pain of the past
  • Send love to every part of your being, past, present, and future
  • Create a new energetic blueprint for your entire being
You don't have to settle for any less than what you most deeply desire! Cultivate a brand new self-image and a presence that you love – based on the deepest truth of who you are – and the universe will start matching your positive, genuine, fresh new vibration. Miraculous changes will unfold.

This intensive program will activate the energy of your true spirit and guide you through exercises to help transform your physical image, while helping you heal parts of you that are not in agreement with your highest potential. When you follow these exercises, you're guaranteed to project a brand new you – THE REAL YOU – to the world! Are you ready for a whole new you, based on the truth of your spirit? Then this is the program for you!

About Krishanti

Krishanti is an intuitive consultant and energy healer who helps thousands of clients worldwide to make decisions, resolve long-standing issues, and re-align their energies so they can achieve their goals and find greater happiness and fulfillment in all areas of life. She is the author of the popular DailyOM course "Get Him Off Your Mind in Days" and the co-author of "Activate Your Psychic Super Powers" and "Manifest Money Now." Krishanti conducts psychic/intuitive consultation sessions, life coaching sessions, chakra readings and clearings, energy healings, and past life sessions. Krishanti also leads group workshops and works with individuals one-on-one to help them manifest goals, work with spirit guides, discover and heal from past life experiences, and unfold their own psychic and healing abilities. She currently resides in the Los Angeles area.

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every week for 4 weeks (total of 4 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 4 lessons