Monday, August 11, 2014

DailyOM: A Stress-Free Home

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August 11, 2014
A Stress-Free Home
Your Wellspring of Energy

by Madisyn Taylor

Your home will be infused with supportive energy if you take the time to create a stress-free home.

Sometimes our lives are so busy that we treat our homes as if they were impersonal places that we merely pass through. But we can make certain that our homes truly feel like our sanctuaries by taking the time to tend to them like gardens, which need care in order to offer us the beauty of their blooms. When we take the time to treat our homes like beloved treasures, we can shift their energy from being merely places to being wellsprings for the replenishment of our energy.

Consider that homes are the outer reflections of those who live within. If we feel that the current appearance clashes with how we'd like to see ourselves, it can keep us from fully allowing our light to shine. Updating our homes to reflect our inner landscape need not involve massive redecorating or a large outlay of money. Small things can make a big difference, like simply moving items so that we constantly gaze upon the things we love the most, liberating the treasures we've hidden in our closets, using our best dishes and making small repairs. Organizing and cleaning is a no-cost way to remove chaos from our homes and introduce more calm. Lovingly rejuvenating our personal space can become a creative project that increases the flow of good throughout all aspects of our lives and increases our feeling of connection. We can give old things new life by donating them to charity, opening space for newness to enter. Removing stress from our homes can be as simple as putting o! ur bills into pretty boxes and choosing a specific time to deal with them, or removing clutter so that we and our energy can move freely throughout our space.

Simplifying our space lets our imagination and energy roam free. We can choose to prioritize our homes, making them the true heart of our family's activities. Then we are free to focus on what really matters—time to ourselves, to share with loved ones, and to replenish our energy so that we have more to share with each other and with the world.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

The Skinny Thinking Thought Diet
by Laura Katleman-Prue

Do you struggle with your weight? Have you been on countless diets and regained your lost weight every time? Do you overeat when you're worried, bored, under stress, sad, angry, or even happy? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, The Skinny Thinking Thought Diet can help you. Any one can force off weight on a diet, but it's like pulling off the top of a weed. It comes right back unless you take care of the root - the way you think about food. Here's why the Skinny Thinking Thought diet can help you, when everything else has failed. It radically changes your relationship to food by changing the way you think about it. To put it simply, it's Eckhart Tolle meets food. Using the simple five minute daily exercises in the Skinny Thinking Thought Diet, you will learn how to stop thinking about food and how to stop romanticizing it.

> Get the first lesson now

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  Your Wellspring of Energy

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