Saturday, August 16, 2014

DailyOM: End Self-Sabotage with Meridian Tapping (EFT)

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August 16, 2014
End Self-Sabotage with Meridian Tapping (EFT)
From End Self-Sabotage with Meridian Tapping On-line Course

by Ellen Richter

The following is an excerpt from the "End Self-Sabotage with Meridian Tapping (EFT)" on-line course. If you would like to take the entire course, click here.

Take a moment and ask yourself if your life is going the way you had always dreamed it would or if you have everything you desire, I imagine you would not get a resounding yes in all areas. If one or more area of your life is bringing you joy, then take a moment now and congratulate yourself for creating it that way. If one or more areas of your life is not as you desire, you need to know that you created that as well.

That's a new concept for many people to wrap their minds around, but you really are the architect of your life. By acknowledging that truth and accepting it, you come into your power. If you take responsibility for having brought every person, event and circumstance into your life, you are free to change it!

I learned this truth over many years through education, working with my clients, and by being stopped dead in my tracks through a string of unhappy circumstances in my own life that left me with no choice but to find the answers.

If I look back on who I was from an early age, the best description I come up with is a gentle, loving soul filled with a natural intuition and an insatiable curious mind. As I ventured through life and my years of formal education, I found myself in a blessed state of inner knowing combined with a rational and logical interpretation of life. Life progressed easily and effortlessly for me in all areas until my early 20s when the first "fateful" event occurred. On a clear sunny day just a week after my birthday, I was on my way home (in fact I was two blocks away) and as I was waiting to make a left turn, I was rear ended by a man driving 65 mph. Yes it hurt. Yes there were injuries. I spent years living the pain of that accident along with the pain of blaming the man who looked down at his radio instead of the road as he slammed into me. I carried on with life as best as I was able to through the physical and emotional pain of that day but my anger and resentment towards the! man who changed my life was festering. I felt like a victim for the longest time. You can only imagine my surprise when one night the woman who sat next to me in a class I was taking looked me in the eyes and said, "You know you created the accident yourself, don't you?"

Livid is too mild a word to describe what I felt at that moment. I created it? I was minding my own business while someone slammed into me from the rear. Did she not understand that? In a state of shock from what I just heard, I just stared at her speechless.

Six months later while browsing through the bookstore, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, fell off the shelf at my feet. That began my journey into the Law of Attraction and various other techniques for self awareness, release and discovery. It was the beginning of my life changing journey towards the absolute knowing that I am the creator of every experience in my life; both good and bad. I realized this was the key to freedom and I began to uncover and release my negative patterns and energy blocks so that I could create the life I desired. I remember the moment I realized I that all of my life I had been carrying the victim mentality and that I did indeed attract into my experience that car accident in which I was rear ended. Although I wished it didn't take a debilitating event like that to open my eyes, I am grateful for that moment because it became my moment of freedom. As I made changes in my own life I began to teach this new paradigm to my clients. I also! got trained in numerous techniques to release unconscious blocks and negative energy that are the cause for the negative creation most people are experiencing in their lives. I am now grateful to be able to offer this healing to so many of you through the Daily Om.

I am going to guide you through the most powerful of these clearing techniques that will open the door to your freedom and a deliciously abundant life. It will clear both physical and emotional negativity from your being so that you are vibrating at a higher frequency, thus attracting abundance of every kind to you. This magical tool is called EFT. Are you ready for the ride of your life? First a little about EFT.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a simple tapping procedure that gently realigns the body's energy system without the discomfort of needles.

EFT dissolves negative energy patterns held in your body and clears the way to your true power to create your life by design. It is often referred to as a form of meridian tapping and is based on Chinese acupuncture but without the needles!

Developed by Gary Craig, a Stamford engineer, EFT is one of the most advanced forms of Energy Psychology and is bringing rapid relief to people around the world. It's based on the premise that all negative emotions stem from a disruption in the body's energy system which in turn leads to discomfort, illness, pain and unhealthy behavior. Numerous studies have shown that cravings, addictions and physical aliments are emotionally based and disappear when the emotional/energetic disruption is addressed.

Emotional Freedom Technique rebalances the energetic disruption in just minutes, virtually rewiring the body and restoring balance. When your body's energy system is in harmony, it vibrates at a high frequency, thereby attracting to you all the good things you desire.

EFT is the missing piece to creating your life by design. It's easy to learn, very effective and literally always at your fingertips.

Today's Action Steps:

Practice giving gratitude and appreciation to yourself all week. Look for anything you like about yourself and and notice all the wonderful things you do. This will raise your vibration.

Here is how I appreciate myself:

Ellen, you are such a sweet and kind and loving woman.

You're a great mom, daughter, mate and friend.

You are so funny and smart and clever and fun to be with.

You have accomplished so many wonderful things in life and I know more

are on the way!

You really care about people and animals and the planet.

Look how pretty you are and how nice your skin is.

You are such a great dancer and artist.

Get the picture? No holding back! Celebrate everything good about you.

Your Weekly Action Steps:

1. Find ten minutes to be by yourself. Take three slow deep breaths and relax. Ponder the idea that you are the creator of your universe and that everything you are experiencing in your life you have brought to you. Write down all of your thoughts and emotions that arise when you try to accept this. Do not censor or omit any thought or feeling.

2. Look over the list and for any "negative" that arose, challenge that thought or belief or emotion. For example, when pondering that you have created everything in your life, you may have a thought that goes something like this:

"That's not true. I interact with other people and they do things to me that are out of my control. I am not creating that."

Now challenge that thought:

Every person has all sides to them. They can be loving and kind or mean and spiteful. I know it to be true that I can act differently depending on who I am with and how that person interacts with me. The same is therefore true about them. Is it possible that something in me is bringing out something in them that affects their behavior? Does that mean that I am co-creating in how people behave?

3. Examine the unconscious belief pattern that you hold that caused your initial thought to arise.

In the above example, it becomes clear that by thinking others are doing things to us, we are victims of life.

This is a limiting belief that was learned early on. In traditional psychotherapy we would spend lots of time exploring where that belief came from and understanding how it affects us. This is a very timely course of action and does not address the negative energy pattern of being a victim that is locked into your body. The beauty of EFT is that in just moments, we will dissolve that negative pattern and the time spent on figuring out where it originated is not necessary to healing!

4. Make a list of as many limiting beliefs you can discover about yourself.

Watch very carefully how you react to situations, the words you speak quite often to others and your negative self chatter.

Here are some common limiting beliefs that people carry around. They may help you to uncover yours.

I'm not good enough

I'm not smart enough

I never do anything right

I am a victim

Life is hard

I'm fat

I don't deserve happiness

I deserve to be punished when I do something wrong

I need to be perfect in order to be loved

Keep this list handy and add to it over the course of the week as you come in to awareness.

For more information visit:
> End Self-Sabotage with Meridian Tapping (EFT) On-line Course


DailyOM Course Spotlight

Become a Man Magnet
by Cinthia Dennis

Attention: Enlightened Women Longing for Love! Are you tired of losing the dating game? Are you feeling stuck and hopeless when it comes to finding a relationship that will truly support your highest self? Have you been struggling and trying to figure out what you are doing wrong? Or do you know what you are doing wrong and you just can't seem to stop it? This program is designed to immerse you into the art of the 6 key elements needed to create a joyful, passionate love of life and love life. You will finish the program with your mind, environment, spirit and heart aligned and ready to attract an amazing man and relationship. You will be empowered with the internal emotional stance and skills needed to go out and get what you want without being afraid of losing yourself when you have someone sharing your life. If you are ready to have the kind of relationship that you have only fantasized about, then this course is for you!

> Get the first lesson now

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