Saturday, August 30, 2014

DailyOM: Transform Your Life with Reiki

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August 30, 2014
Transform Your Life with Reiki
From Transform Your Life with Reiki On-Line Course

by Rosalyn Light

The following is an excerpt from the "Transform Your Life with Reiki" on-line course. If you would like to enroll in the course, click here.

Reiki has a way of reaching out to those of you who are ready for it. Many Reiki Masters I have known told me they felt that Reiki found them, not that they found Reiki. Reiki comes to us as a result of prayer, or asking to be shown your next steps for being of service to the greater good.

You can focus on utilizing Reiki as a way to create more beauty, joy, harmony and peace in your life. In this day and age it is not so much about healing others as it is about raising your own vibration and holding a steady clear light. By doing this you will become a healing presence for yourself and others. Reiki will assist you in raising your vibration, and as you do this you will be contributing to the light and peace on the planet.

The Definition of Reiki
Reiki (pronounced Rey-key) means Universal Life Force energy. When the word Reiki is broken down, the words can be translated as: Rei meaning "Universal, All Knowing, Inner Self or Higher Power" and Ki meaning "Life Force".

Ki is the energy that runs through every living thing at all times. In Chinese it is known as Chi. One could call it a spiritual energy system, but not a religion. Reiki utilizes symbols to activate this Universal Life Force energy and to help it to flow through your hands as a healing modality. As I have played with these symbols and experienced their healing power I believe that the Reiki symbols are actually keys to unlock energy patterns that are blocked or frozen, thus creating more flow.

A Brief History of Reiki
There are many different versions of Reiki available today. The common thread that runs through all accounts of the history of Reiki is that it comes from the ancient Sanskrit texts. Sanskrit is the mother-tongue of all other languages. The Vedas (ancient spiritual text) say that Sanskrit is the language of the spirit world.

Reiki was translated and brought through in a form available to us as the Reiki symbols by a Japanese man named Mikao Usui in the early 1900's.

Usui was on a mission to discover the healing power that was used by Jesus Christ and other great healers. As he was studying the Sanskrit writings he discovered this healing modality and called it Reiki.

After Usui awakened to the healing light of Reiki, he was able to heal people. He then traveled all over Japan and China healing and teaching his people. Usui taught approximately 16 Reiki Masters or teachers. One of the men was a retired military man, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi. Dr. Chujiro then taught a woman named Mrs. Hawaya Takata. She became a powerful healer and teacher initiating many Reiki Masters.

In 1970 Mrs. Takata was charging $10,000.00 for a Reiki Masters Initiation, which then became the going price to become a Reiki Master. This price remained the going rate throughout the 70's and into the 80's. The Reiki Masters she attuned then charged the same price to others. This price prevented many people from learning Reiki. There was a lot of secrecy around the symbols and the whole process of learning the symbols. It is because of Mrs. Takata and many others that there are now thousands of Reiki Masters throughout the world.

An expansion of Reiki occurred in 1995 when Diane Stein wrote a book called Essential Reiki. In this book she released the symbols and all the secrecy around Reiki. Many Reiki Masters were very upset with this, but she felt this information was needed in order to awaken the healers to do their work.

Shortly after this many Reiki Masters published the symbols on the internet, along with all the Reiki teachings. Learning Reiki through distance healing became very popular. People were now able to receive the teaching and initiations of Reiki at a much lower cost than the original price of $10,000.

Learning Reiki through distance opened up Reiki to a new level and helped it to become a useful healing tool for many thousands of people throughout the world. Reiki continues to grow and evolve. There are many different types of Reiki available now, and they all originated from the teachings of Mikao Usui.

Reiki is similar to Religions in that it provides principles to follow, however, it doesn't make any claims to being a Religion or the only way to reach enlightened states of consciousness. The Reiki symbols are simply tools for you to use whatever your beliefs are, and are available to all.

The Reiki Attunement
The Reiki attunement is what separates Reiki from other healing modalities.

The attunement instantly creates a pathway for the energy and symbols to enter the crown chakra (located at the top of the head), and flow to the heart and exit through the hands. It is a process where a Reiki Master attunes or initiates through ceremony.

In this initiation the Reiki Master gives the Reiki symbols to the student and anchors them in the students subtle energy field. Attunements are not necessary to practice the beginning levels of Reiki, however they are very helpful in learning to channel light, as they do assist in opening the channel and central meridian.

Attunements strengthen one's connection to the Reiki energy and are necessary to receive the advanced levels of Reiki, or to become a Certified Reiki Master. Most people can easily learn to channel light through their hands, however Reiki is a helpful tool to assist you in creating balance in your life while you learn to become a healer.

The Levels of Reiki
There are 3 levels of Reiki. Depending your teacher and style of Reiki, these may vary.

In the Level 1 or First Degree class, the student receives an attunement that starts to open the channel or central meridian and allows the energy to start flowing through the hands.

In Level 2 or Second Degree the student is taught how to activate the first 3 Reiki symbols. He or she also receives an attunement that opens the channel or central meridian more, and the first 3 symbols are given in a ceremony.

In Level 3 or Reiki Mastery the Master Symbols are given and the student is then able to give Reiki attunements and initiate others to become Reiki Practitioners.

This has been the traditional path for teaching Reiki in a class setting.

There are many ways of teaching Reiki now, either through home study, a live class, or in a week long immersion class. All methods work and all are useful ways of learning Reiki.

Practice 1: Activating Your Hands
Begin by setting aside a sacred space in your home in which to practice this assignment. You can set up an altar, or just have a meditation cushion which you can sit on to center yourself before activating the Reiki energies.

If you have pictures of spiritual teachers, or angels it is a good idea to have them in this sacred space as they are high frequency beings and will activate a feeling of reverence and honoring of the sacred in you. Plants are also helpful to have around as they carry a healing life force energy.

Take the palms of your hands and place them together. Feel the heat and energy that your palms hold. Now slowly pull them away from each other until they are about 4 to 6 inches apart. Now, bring them close together again and notice how this energy is pushing your hands apart a bit. See if you can sense the energy coming off your hands. Does this energy pull or push with your hands at different distances?

Next, imagine that you are holding a ball of light in your hands. Play with this and make it big, like a basketball. Now make it small like a baseball. You can make this light more beautiful with your imagination. With your eyes closed, see if you can sense this ball of light more fully. Does it have any color in it? Do this every day for the next week, getting accustomed to playing with and activating the energy to flow through your hands, and visualize this ball of light.

**If you are having a difficult time feeling any energy coming out of your hands, or sensing the energy with your hands, clap them together gently and see what happens. You can also rub them together vigorously to get the energy to open. Notice any tingling in your fingers after you do this.**

Practice 2: Cleaning and clearing your aura with a ball of light
Once again activate the ball of light with your eyes closed, moving your palms close together and then farther apart. Play with this ball of light.

Holding this ball of light, direct your hands toward your heart and let this ball of light touch your heart. Do you notice any shifts? Now move this ball of light all over your body, holding your hands about 4 to 8 inches away from your body. Imagine this is cleansing and clearing your aura as you do this. Notice any shifts in the way you feel. Do you feel lighter or clearer, or notice any tingling? Practice this every night before you go to bed to clear the energy of the day.

For more information visit:
> Transform Your Life with Reiki


DailyOM Course Spotlight

Say Goodbye to Anxiety
by Max Highstein

Do you suffer from moments of panic, anxiety, or fear far greater than the actual threat at hand? Excessive fear has a way of taking an otherwise enjoyable day and turning it into a nightmare, and an otherwise productive life and turning it into a minefield. Excessive fear in daily life usually stems from frightening experiences we've had early on. When fear within us is unresolved, it continues to come up until we can find a way to release it. But you don't have to relive the fear, or even know where it came from, in order to let it go. Don't allow fear to control your life! Use this easy to follow program to claim safety, change your course, and gain freedom from fear. Start today!

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1. Way of Story Writing Course
2. End Self-Sabotage with Meridian Tapping (EFT)
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10. The 4-Minute Peaceful Warrior Workout

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  From Transform Your Life with Reiki On-Line Course

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    Friday, August 29, 2014

    DailyOM: Recognizing Happiness

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    August 29, 2014
    Recognizing Happiness
    Analyzing the Path

    by Madisyn Taylor

    When we take the time to recognize when we are happy and what that feels like, it becomes easier to recreate.

    Those of us on the path of personal and spiritual growth have a tendency to analyze our unhappiness in order to find the causes and make improvements. But it is just as important, if not more so, to analyze our happiness. Since we have the ability to rise above and observe our emotions, we can recognize when we are feeling joyful and content. Then we can harness the power of the moment by savoring our feelings and taking time to be grateful for them.

    Recognition is the first step in creating change, therefore recognizing what it feels like to be happy is the first step toward sustaining happiness in our lives. We can examine how joy feels in our bodies and what thoughts run through our minds in times of bliss. Without diminishing its power, we can retrace our steps to discover what may have put us in this frame of mind, and then we can take note of the choices we've made while there. We might realize that we are generally more giving and forgiving when there's a smile on our face, or that we are more likely to laugh off small annoyances and the actions of others when they don't resonate with our light mood.

    Once we know what it feels like and can identify some of the triggers and are aware of our actions, we can recreate that happiness when we are feeling low. Knowing that like attracts like, we can pull ourselves out of a blue mood by focusing on joy. We might find that forcing ourselves to be giving and forgiving, even when it doesn't seem to come naturally, helps us to reconnect with the joy that usually precedes it. If we can identify a song, a picture, or a pet as a happiness trigger, we can use them as tools to recapture joy if we are having trouble finding it. By focusing our energy on analyzing happiness and all that it encompasses, we feed, nurture, and attract more of it into our lives, eventually making a habit of happiness.

    DailyOM Course Spotlight

    How to Work with the Spirit World
    by Steffany Barton, RN

    Angels and animals and guardians, oh my! We are constantly and continuously in sacred communion with the spirit world, the other side, the etheric realm. We cannot separate ourselves from our true nature: spiritual beings having a human experience. Being well connected to Spirit enhances and enriches life on every level. For every human concern, for any earthly need, there is a spiritual being supporting us on our path. Each lesson includes video, audio, and printed material to guide you in strengthening your connections. The lessons are empowering, conceived in love, and designed to help you create a very personal connection with the Other Side. All you need to know is contained within. Get connected!

    > Get the first lesson now

    Top 10 DailyOM Courses:

    1. Way of Story Writing Course
    2. End Self-Sabotage with Meridian Tapping (EFT)
    3. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
    4. 21 Day Yoga Body!
    5. The Intuitive Path: 8 Weeks to Awakening as a Spiritual Psychic
    6. How To Overcome Depression
    7. Shift Your Energy in 28 Days!
    8. The 4-Minute Peaceful Warrior Workout
    9. Find True Love in 27 Days
    10. Overcoming Self-Sabotage

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    Thursday, August 28, 2014

    DailyOM: Prayer and Meditation

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    August 28, 2014
    Prayer and Meditation
    Asking and Receiving

    by Madisyn Taylor

    Meditation and prayer can offer us different experiences and both can be powerful tools.

    Prayer and meditation are similar practices in that they both offer us a connection to the divine, but they also differ from one another in significant ways. Put simply, prayer is when we ask the universe for something, and meditation is when we listen. When we pray, we use language to express our innermost thoughts and feelings to a higher power. Sometimes, we plumb the depths within ourselves and allow whatever comes to the surface to flow out in our prayer. At other times, we pray words that were written by someone else but that express what we want to say. Prayer is reaching out to the universe with questions, pleas for help, gratitude, and praise.

    Meditation, on the other hand, has a silent quality that honors the art of receptivity. When we meditate, we cease movement and allow the activity of our minds and hearts to go on without us in a sense. Eventually, we fall into a deep silence, a place that underlies all the noise and fray of daily human existence. In this place, it becomes possible for us to hear the universe as it speaks for itself, responds to our questions, or sits with us in its silent way.

    Both prayer and meditation are indispensable tools for navigating our relationship with the universe and with ourselves. They are also natural complements to one another, and one makes way for the other just as the crest of a wave gives way to its hollow. If we tend to do only one or the other, prayer or meditation, we may find that we are out of balance, and we might benefit from exploring the missing form of communication. There are times when we need to reach out and express ourselves, fully exorcising our insides, and times when we are empty, ready to rest in quiet receiving. When we allow ourselves to do both, we begin to have a true conversation with the universe.

    DailyOM Course Spotlight

    Shape Shift to Your Best Body Ever
    by Ellen Whitehurst

    You've probably already heard that research and studies have proven that it only takes 21 days to create a new habit right? But did you also know that it takes that same small amount of time to create new neural pathways in your brain so that you can literally think yourself slimmer and a whole lot happier too? In this amazing 21 day mental owner's manual for achieving your best body ever, Ellen Whitehurst blends secrets, symbols, shortcuts, tips and time-tested techniques with cutting edge modern medical theory and practical application to your best and healthiest body ever. You can now create and achieve a healthy, happy, harmonious body that will last your entire life long. And a longer life will be one of the big blessings and benefits you will receive from following this 21 day process and program as well! Now anyone and everyone can clear from their past so that they can release and open to intentional spaces of inner peace and heightened harmony. Get ready to 'be' you! r best body ever!

    > Get the first lesson now

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    4. 21 Day Yoga Body!
    5. Find True Love in 27 Days
    6. How To Overcome Depression
    7. The 4-Minute Peaceful Warrior Workout
    8. The Intuitive Path: 8 Weeks to Awakening as a Spiritual Psychic
    9. Shift Your Energy in 28 Days!
    10. Overcoming Self-Sabotage

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