Friday, December 31, 2010

DailyOM: If Only

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December 31, 2010
If Only
Locating The Underlying Cause

If only I had a new car or a new house. Turn external thinking into internal thinking, it isn't about the car or house.

Often, when we're unhappy, we fall into the habit of thinking that, if only one or two particular things in our life would change, everything would be fine. We might focus on the fact that we need a new car, or a raise, or a change in our living situation. We dwell on this one thing and strategize, or complain, or daydream about what it would be like to have it. Meanwhile, underneath the surface, the real reason for our unhappiness sits unrecognized and unaddressed. And yet, if we are able to locate and explore the underlying cause of our discontent, all the surface concerns have a way of working themselves out in the light of our realization.

Maybe we really do just need a new car, and maybe moving to another city would improve our life situation. However, it can only help to take some time to explore what's going on at a deeper level. Sometimes, when we take a moment and stop focusing on external concerns, we get to the heart of the matter. We might realize that all our lives we've been dissatisfied, grasping at one thing after another, only to be dissatisfied about something else once we get what we want. Or perhaps we'll notice a pattern of running away from a place, or a relationship, when things get too hard. We might then wonder why this keeps happening, and how we might work through the difficulty rather than just escaping it. The point is, slowing down and turning our attention within can save us a lot of energy in the long run, because it is very often the case that there is no external change that will make us happy.

Once you've taken the time to inquire within, you can begin to make changes that address the deeper issue. This can be hard at first, especially if you've grown used to grasping for outside sources in order to quell your discontent, but in the end, you will be solving the problem at a deeper level, and it will be much less likely to recur.

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  Locating The Underlying Cause

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True Love in 27 Days

From the Library:
Excuses Be Gone! How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits
by Dr. Wayne W. Dryer

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    DailyOM: Om Tote Bag, Reiki Healing Touch, When Life Falls Apart


    December 31, 2010
    Om Tote Bag, Reiki Healing Touch, When Life Falls Apart
    Gift of the Week

    Om Tote Bag - This is a sturdy canvas tote bag in a beautiful red color with black embroidered OM symbol on the outside pocket. The bag has a double-stitched handle, zipper closure and outside pocket which is perfect for keys or cell phone. This is a great everyday bag for work, school, baby gear, books and more.

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    Reiki Healing Touch (CD) - Created under the guidance of Reiki master Christopher Wilson, the music of Daniel Otsuka is tailor-made for Reiki, with all tracks at an average length of five minutes to indicate the proper time to change position. While some Reiki albums follow an ambient, natural direction, this one benefits from a very Japanese sense of dynamics: low, drawn-out wooden flute notes; shimmering tingsha bells; irregularly struck Japanese taiko; softly strummed zithers; occasional oceanlike gongs. All flow together with synthesized vocal pads, creating a beautiful and mysterious stillness. As the cover indicates, Reiki Healing Touch is ideal "for professional therapists or beg! inners," creating the perfect mixture of soothing and awakening, calming and invigorating, all merging in a tight yin/yang of active contemplation.
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    Ten Things To Do When Your Life Falls Apart (book) -
    Known primarily for books on relationships (Coming Apart), Kingma's latest is a lifeline for those in the isolating depths of personal tragedy. Its purpose is to hold, to heal, and to listen, and it comes from a very real place: a friend of the author's in the midst of physical and financial hardships asked for a list of 10 practices to survive his crisis. With chapters dedicated to the necessity of tears, the freedom of letting go, and the fulfillment found in simple living, these techniques are all about practicality. Realistic indeed, yet underlying the straightforward advice is an enlivening spiritual message that isn't content with just soldiering on through the darkness. Rather than being random assaults from an uncaring universe, the difficulties you are going through have meaning and purpose, the author writes. Kingma relates her worldly and spiritual survival tools in graceful prose and includes illustrative, though somewhat broad, real-life stories of people who ri! se above catastrophe. This work is about more than just getting by; it directs the reader toward transcendence and peace.

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    Thursday, December 30, 2010

    DailyOM: Fulfilling Energetic Investments

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    Click here for How to Fire Up Your Chakras

    December 30, 2010
    Fulfilling Energetic Investments
    Focusing Our Energy

    Staying focused in each moment allows us move with the rhythmic flow of the universe and harmonize our being.

    As modern life makes a wealth of information and opportunities available to us, we may find ourselves torn between a wide variety of interests and projects. Our excitement may entice us to try all of them at once, but doing so only diffuses our energy, leaving us unable to fully experience any of them. Like an electrical socket with too many things plugged into it, we may be in danger of overheating and burning out. But if we can choose one thing at a time to focus all of our attention upon, we can make the most of our life-force energy, engaging ourselves fully in the moment so that it can nurture us in return.

    Our attention can be pulled in many directions, not only in our own lives, but by advertising, media, and the hustle and bustle of our surroundings. But when we take the time to listen to our inner guidance and focus our thoughts on the goals that resonate the most strongly within us, the rest of the world will fade away. This may mean focusing the spotlight of our attention upon developing one aspect of our work, one course of study, or one hobby to pursue in our free time, but it doesn't mean that we have to stay focused on only one thing forever. We may never know which of our interests is best suited to our abilities and heart's desires unless we give it a proper chance. By being fully present with all that we are and all that we have, we can experience each choice fully and make the most fulfilling choices for our energetic investments.

    Because we are multi-faceted beings, we are perpetually involved in many aspects of life in every moment. Our work in the world is necessary to attend to our physical needs, and our relationships are important for our emotional needs, but when we engage our spirit as well, we can choose the area that will nurture body, mind and soul. Staying focused in each moment allows us move with the rhythmic flow of the universe and harmonize all aspects of our being into balanced whole.

    Top 10 DailyOM Courses:

    1. Make Yourself a Money Magnet
    2. Heal Your Money Karma
    3. Being Here Now
    4. How to Create Happiness
    5. Become a Healer with the Energy of Jesus
    6. Your Luckiest Year Ever! Astrology for 2011
    7. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
    8. Find True Love in 27 Days
    9. Master Synchronicity
    10. A Year of Rumi

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    Click here for the movie WALK-IN by DailyOM co-founder Scott Blum

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      Focusing Our Energy

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    Being Here Now

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    Peace from Broken Pieces: How to Get Through What You're Going Through
    by Iyanla Vanzant

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