Tuesday, August 31, 2010

DailyOM: Inner Sunrise

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August 31, 2010
Inner Sunrise
Brand-New Day

We don't need to wait until tomorrow to start fresh, today can be a blank slate starting right now.

When today is not going well, it is tempting to focus on tomorrow as a blank slate with all the possibilities that newness provides. It is true that tomorrow will be a brand-new day, but we do not have to wait until tomorrow to start fresh. We can start fresh at any moment, clearing our energy field of any negativity that has accumulated, and call this very moment the beginning of our brand-new day.

There is something about the sunrise and the first few hours of the morning that make us feel cleansed and rejuvenated, ready to move forward enthusiastically. As the day wears on, we lose some of this dynamic energy and the inspiration it provides. This may be why we look forward to tomorrow as providing the possibility of renewal. Many traditions consider the light of the rising sun to be particularly divine in its origins; this is why so many people in the world face east when performing ritual. We too can cultivate that rising sun energy inside ourselves, carrying it with us to light our way through any time of day or night, drawing on its power to awaken and renew our spirits.

One simple way to do this is to carry an image or a photograph of the rising sun with us in our wallet or purse. We can also post this image on our wall at work or at home, or have it as our screensaver on our computer. When we feel the need to start fresh, we can take a moment to gaze at the image, allowing its light to enter into our hearts. As we do this, we might say out loud or quietly to ourselves, I am ready to let go of the past and start anew. We might visualize anything we want to release leaving us as we exhale, and as we inhale, we can take in the fresh energy of the eastern sun, allowing it to light the way to a brand-new day.

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Reinventing the Body

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Spiritual Formation: Following the Movements of the Spirit
by Henri J. M. Nouwen

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    Monday, August 30, 2010

    DailyOM: Woman

    Today's DailyOM brought to you by:

    August 30, 2010
    Embracing Womanhood

    When one woman honors who she is, all women collectively move closer to becoming what they are capable of being.

    There are many ways and myriad reasons for women to honor and embrace all that they are. And when any individual woman chooses to do so, all women collectively move closer to becoming what they are truly capable of being. By honoring her experience and being willing to share it with others—both male and female—she teaches as she learns. When she can trust herself and her inner voice, she teaches those around her to trust her as well. Clasping hands with family members and friends, coworkers and strangers in a shared walk through the journey of life, she allows all to see the self-respect she possesses and accepts their respect, too, that is offered through look, word, and deed.

    When a woman can look back into her past, doing so without regret and instead seeing only lessons that brought her to her current strength and wisdom, she embraces the fullness of her experience. She helps those around her to build upon the past as she does. And when she chooses to create her desires, she places her power in the present and moves forward with life into the future.

    Seeing her own divinity, a woman learns to recognize the divinity in all women. She then can see her body as a temple, appreciating its feminine form and function, regardless of what age or stage of life she finds herself. She can enjoy all that it brings to her experience and appreciate other women and their experiences as well. Rather than seeing other women as competition, she can look around her to see the cycle of life reflected in the beauty of her sisters, reminding her of her own radiance should she ever forget. She can then celebrate all the many aspects that make her a being worthy of praise, dancing to express the physical, speaking proudly to express her intellect, sharing her emotions, and leading the way with her spiritual guidance. Embracing her womanhood, she reveals the facets that allow her to shine with the beauty and strength of a diamond to illuminate her world.

    Top 10 DailyOM Courses:

    1. How to Quiet the Mind
    2. Find True Love in 27 Days
    3. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
    4. Heal Your Money Karma
    5. How to Fire Up Your Chakras
    6. Permanent Weight Loss with Self-Hypnosis
    7. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
    8. How To Speak So Your Dog Will Listen
    9. A Year of Rumi
    10. Falling in Love with Yourself

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    Click here for The Barn Dance

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    The Mindfulness Code
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    Friday, August 27, 2010

    DailyOM: Simple Gestures of Solace

    Today's DailyOM brought to you by:

    August 27, 2010
    Simple Gestures of Solace
    Offering Comfort

    Sometimes just being with somebody, rather than words, is all that is needed to help.

    Sometimes it is difficult to see someone we love struggling, in pain, or hurting. When this happens, we might feel like we need to be proactive and do something to ease their troubles. While others may want our help, it is important to keep in mind that we need to be sensitive to what they truly want in the moment, since it can be all too easy to get carried away and say or do more than is really needed. Allowing ourselves to let go and simply exist in the present with another person may actually provide a greater amount of comfort and support than we could ever imagine.

    Perhaps we can think back to a time when we were upset and needed a kind word, hug, or listening ear from someone else. As we remember these times, we might think of the gestures of kindness that were the most healing. It may have been gentle words such as "I care about you," or the soothing presence of someone holding us and not expecting anything that were the most consoling. When we are able to go back to these times it becomes easier for us to keep in mind that giving advice or saying more than is really necessary is not always reassuring. What is truly comforting for another is not having someone try to fix them or their problems, but to just be there for them. Should we begin to feel the urge arise to offer advice or repair a situation, we can take a few deep breaths, let the impulse pass, and bring our attention back to the present. Even though we may want to do more, we do not have to do anything other than this to be a good friend.

    The more we are attuned to what our loved ones are feeling, the more capable we are of truly giving what is best for them in their hour of need. Keeping things simple helps us give the part of ourselves that is capable of the greatest amount of compassion—open ears and an understanding heart.

    Top 10 DailyOM Courses:

    1. How to Quiet the Mind
    2. Find True Love in 27 Days
    3. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
    4. Heal Your Money Karma
    5. How to Fire Up Your Chakras
    6. Permanent Weight Loss with Self-Hypnosis
    7. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
    8. How To Speak So Your Dog Will Listen
    9. A Year of Rumi
    10. Falling in Love with Yourself

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    A Year of Rumi

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    The Answer is Simple...Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit!
    by Sonia Choquette

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