Saturday, December 06, 2014

A Year of Angels in Your Inbox

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December 6, 2014
A Year of Angels in Your Inbox
A Year of Angels in Your Inbox

by Dawn Lianna

The following is an excerpt from the "A Year of Angels in Your Inbox" on-line course. If you would like to enroll in the course, click here.

Angels are among us everyday. They love us immensely and cherish the opportunity to have contact with us. The value of having angels in our lives is unsurpassed in sweetness and love. 

People who connect with the angels report an increase in the grace in their lives.

They find blessings and miracles in the small events of their day as their lives are touched by the feeling of angelic love and nurturance. 

Did you know that when you invite the angels into your life, it increases the angel's stewardship and ability to help you? We live in free will and the angels are right here among us, yet they cannot interfere with our free will. As you call them in, you allow them greater access to your life and give them deeper permission to support you and your loved ones. They are always happy to be of service and assistance to you. 

I want to share with you a little bit about how I receive angelic messages and how you might open to receive your own angel messages. I've been hearing the angels my entire life and teaching people to listen to them for many years.

Messages from the angels are often simple and yet deeply profound. The angels speak repeatedly of their love for us. 

To receive a message from the angels, it's important to sit very quietly and go into a meditative state. Call your angels and invite to come around you. Simply invite telepathically. They will hear you and come. I often say something like, "Beloved angels, please come in very close and help me to sense you". If you want to write your own angel message, take out a paper and pen when you sit and wait quietly with your pen in your hand. Draw or write your impressions on the paper. Just let the words or pictures flow, trusting what you receive. 

The angels are right here with you, just waiting to connect more deeply so they can share with you their infinite love. 

To fully receive this angel message, slow down. Take a few minutes and let the message into your heart deeply. Allow it to penetrate and help you connect with your soul and with the angels. Throughout the day contemplate the message and call in your angels, by inviting them to join you in your daily life.

Here is Your Angel Message for Today

Lay Your Heart In Our Wings Imagine placing your heart in our wings. We are honored by your sweetness. Please connect with us more often. Place your heart against our heart. We feel your love.

We are deeply touched by you and we are very happy to be participating with you.

Today we encourage you to focus on joy. Stay in your heart and amp up the good feelings. All desires are wishes for good feelings. When you dream of a special place you are wishing for the good feeling. Let the good feelings roll. 

An angel's wing touched you on the cheek just now. Know that you are home. We use our wings to cradle you. Lay your heart in our wings. 


The Angels

For more information visit:
> A Year of Angels in Your Inbox On-Line Course


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  A Year of Angels in Your Inbox

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