Friday, June 20, 2014

DailyOM: Softening and Expanding

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June 20, 2014
Softening and Expanding
Being Receptive to What You Want

by Madisyn Taylor

In a world of harshness, it is time to soften and expand how we go about our life.

In order to get what we want in life, we have to be willing to receive it when it appears, and in order to do that we have to be open. Often we go through life with defenses we developed early on in order to protect ourselves. These defenses act as barriers, walls we needed at one time to feel safe, but that now serve to shut out desired influences, like intimacy or love. So an essential part of being receptive to what we want is to soften these barriers enough to let those things in when they show up. For example, we may spend a lot of time alone as a way to protect ourselves from being hurt by other people, but we can see how this is now preventing us from meeting new friends.

Another obstacle to our receptivity can be our tendency to believe that we have to act aggressively in order to achieve our desired goal. This can cause us to become mono-focused and to fail to see, and be open to, opportunities on the periphery of our vision. So becoming receptive involves a softening of our defenses and a willingness to remain open to possibilities outside our immediate realm of vision. If we are looking for love or friendship, it means first looking within ourselves to see where we are shut down, and second, not getting too fixated on where we might find the love we want. In this way, we become more open as individuals and more expansive in terms of what we see as possible.

Often, the things and people we want to draw into our lives elude us because we are unconsciously blocking them out, either with our defenses, or with tunnel vision that causes us to not see them when they appear. When this is the case, we can take action by exploring and softening our barriers, and expanding our vision to encompass new possibilities. These actions are the essence of receptivity.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Way of Story Writing Course
by Catherine Ann Jones

Our world is made up of stories. If you don't like the one you're in, write a better one. Like your Soul, the soul of story is a combination of craft and magic, a uniting of head and heart. We live in a world of too much separation and pain and at the same time for many writers, one that recognizes the power of ending that separation by illuminating the oneness of life through creating powerful characters that live in our individual and collective psyche awaiting release. Writing is a powerful tool of self-exploration. Join master story teller, Catherine Ann Jones as we discover the the how's and why's of writing great stories that have impact and resonance through personal experience and the inspiring insights of other artists, writers, poets and painters. You'll leave this class more prepared than ever to create stories that enlighten and empower action. That's the only thing that can help transform a highly dysfunctional and dangerous world. The writer has that kind of po! tential power whether writing memoir, short stories, novels, plays. or screenplays. Are you ready to soar into your potential as a writer and help co-create your piece of a new paradigm world? Then join us on our journey to great writing by registering here and now. You'll be very glad you did.

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  Being Receptive to What You Want

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