Tuesday, May 24, 2011

DailyOM: End Self-Sabotage with Meridian Tapping (EFT) & 3 new courses!


May 24, 2011
End Self-Sabotage with Meridian Tapping (EFT) & 3 new courses!

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you four new on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

End Self-Sabotage with Meridian Tapping (EFT) by Ellen Richter - In this ten week course with master EFT practitioner, life/wellness coach and Reiki master Ellen Richter, you will learn the most simple, advanced form of Energy Psychology to uncover and release your inner blocks to success. Learn how to master the technique that is sweeping the world by storm! Fun, easy and literally always at your fingertips, meridian tapping (or EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique) is a self empowering tool to freedom. Learn to use it daily to recreate your inner world, freeing you to be the powerful being you were born to be. You are a powerful being and have the innate ability to manifest an abundantly delicious life! Stop feeling! victim to your circumstances, and claim the perfect health, financial freedom and empowering relationships that are your birthright.

Turn Stress into Love by Dr. Eva Selhub - In this course with physician and teacher Eva Selhub, you'll learn to address stress before stress addresses you. By integrating Western medical science, Eastern healing methods, and powerful insights from clinical practice, you can address stress and health in ways that are straightforward, down to earth and easy to understand. Learn to counteract the unhealthy effects of fear and stress with techniques that can lead to multiple benefits including better health, improved problem solving, clearer thinking and emotional balance. Develop your own natural ability to cope with stress and strengthen your ability to heal from debilitating ailments that are now so common we a! ssume they are unavoidable: insomnia, heart disease, arthritis, gastrointestinal problems and more.

Express Your Raw Truth in Writing by Allison Nazarian - Known as one of the most honest and innovative voices in professional writing today, Allison Nazarian will show you that your reality is INFINITELY more interesting, intriguing and, yes, real than the fiction of movies, TV shows and even so-called Reality Series. Part "Seinfeld" (the wildly popular show about nothing) and part "Writing Down The Bones" (a writers' "bible" for over two decades) this course is the intersection of what is real in our individual worlds and what is universally alluring and connecting for us all. Learn to take the details, situations, feelings, triumphs, and frustrations of your everyday life, and, instead of avoiding them! or making them seem more "interesting," use them honestly in their rawest format as the basis of writing that moves, connects and inspires.

The Birth of a New Humanity by Drunvalo Melchizedek - This lecture from international author and spiritual luminary Drunvalo Melchizedek is based on the ancient knowledge of Egypt and Atlantis. It is known that the Maya, the Hopi, the Kogi and the Arjuaco all say that they are descendants of the lost continent of Atlantis. Although 2000 years ago Plato spoke about this continent, the world does not know what to think of it, since no material evidence of its existence has been found. During this lecture you will enter the ancient continent of Atlantis, come to understand the scientific facts underlying the story of this ancient place, and be amazed by the birth of a new humanity that's happening right now! , as humanity is returned to its rightful level of consciousness.

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

Top 10 DailyOM Courses:

1. 21 Day Yoga Body!
2. Make Yourself a Money Magnet
3. Falling in Love with Yourself
4. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
5. Learn the Spiritual Art of Aromatherapy
6. Heal Your Money Karma
7. Master the Path of the Peaceful Warrior
8. Live Your Purpose NOW
9. Find True Love in 27 Days
10. Experience the Power of Gemstones

New Courses | All Courses

For more information visit DailyOM Courses

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