Monday, February 28, 2011

DailyOM: Employing Presence

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February 28, 2011
Employing Presence
Being Present At Work

Bringing your presence into your work activities can fill the entire experience of working with new energy and life.

Being present at work begins before we even go to our place of employment. It starts with our intention to bring consciousness into everything we do, including those activities we do for money. Whether you are a secretary who files papers all day, a janitor who cleans the local high school, or a nurse caring for children, there is much to be gained by fully engaging in the tasks at hand. When you decide to bring your presence into your work activities, you may find that the entire experience of working is filled with new energy and life.

Sometimes we believe that when we step through the doors of our workplace, we cease being ourselves and start being someone else's employee. Though our employer may depend on us to perform certain tasks, the truth is that we never stop being ourselves. The commitment to being a conscious, empowered person of integrity doesn't stop and start with a time clock. Our decision to be present for our own lives is what weaves together all of our experiences from the moment we wake up, throughout our entire workday, and to the moment we turn off the lights at night.

Before leaving for work today, you can clear your energy and choose to step out with your best foot forward. Setting an intention in the morning can even help you stay present as your day unfolds. You might decide to find joy in every activity, complete all of your projects on time, or be truly helpful to your coworkers. By being fully present, you will begin to radiate and people may begin to notice; they may even want to follow your lead. Whether you run a company or hold a sign outside a deli, do it with pride and be the best you can be.

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  Being Present At Work

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Daily Quotes from Christian Mystics

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The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse (paperback)
by Debbie Ford

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    Saturday, February 26, 2011

    DailyOM: Unconscious Communication

    Today's DailyOM brought to you by:

    February 25, 2011
    Unconscious Communication
    Chronic Lateness

    Addressing chronic lateness helps us to better honor both others and ourselves.

    Being late for an appointment or a date can seem like a small thing that really doesn't matter, but it communicates volumes, whether we mean it to or not. Being kept waiting is an experience that almost no one enjoys, because at best, it wastes their time, and at worst, it indicates a lack of regard. It's as if we're saying that our time is more important than their time, so we don't need to honor them by showing up when we said we would. When we are running late, it means a lot if we call and let the person know, especially if it's going to be more than ten minutes. However, if we are chronically late, it may take more than a phone call to properly address the issue.

    If it's become a habit of ours not to be on time, we may want to look inside ourselves and see what's going on. It's easy enough to make excuses about our behavior, or to project responsibility on the other person, perceiving them to be uptight if they are irritated by our tardiness. What's more difficult, and more meaningful, is looking at ourselves and asking why it is that we always, or often, show up late. Sometimes this happens out of a lack of self-regard, as if we aren't really important anyway, so why will anyone care if we're late, or don't show up at all. Chronic lateness can also stem from being disorganized, or simply trying to do too much in one day. Another possible reason for being late to a particular appointment, or date, is that we don't really want to be there. We communicate our disinterest or boredom by not showing up on time.

    Whatever our reasons, if we raise them to the conscious level, we have an opportunity to live a more conscious life. As we begin to understand the deeper reasons behind our inability to show up on time, we have the option to communicate clearly and consciously about how we really feel, rather than communicating unconsciously by being late.

    Top 10 DailyOM Courses:

    1. 21 Day Yoga Body!
    2. Turn ON Your Love Switch
    3. Master the Path of the Peaceful Warrior
    4. Make Yourself a Money Magnet
    5. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
    6. Tarot for Personal and Spiritual Growth
    7. Heal Your Money Karma
    8. Find True Love in 27 Days
    9. Combating Emotional Vampires
    10. Skinny Living

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    Heal Your Money Karma

    From the Library:
    The Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life
    by Colette Baron-Reid

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    DailyOM: Animal Medicine Cards, Inner Peace, and Be Love Now

    DailyOM - Gift of the Week

    February 25, 2011
    Animal Medicine Cards, Inner Peace, and Be Love Now
    Gift of the Week

    Animal Medicine Cards - Medicine Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals is a boxed set including a book and 52 beautifully-rendered animal cards. This divination system is based on the ancient teachings of Native America. Medicine Cards were conceived in a vision and the power contained within the cards is real and pragmatic. In a card reading, the cards are placed on a medicine wheel, a sacred template of traversing life's mysteries. When an animal appears in certain directions a subtle communication unfolds. In times past, the human family was in much closer contact with animals and understood their messages. We still can if we open our hearts and listen. This shift of consciousness brin! gs the possibility of change into our lives, the potential for transformation. The readings resulting from the various configurations of the cards as described in the accompanying book have strong and powerful effects.
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    Inner Peace for Busy People (CD) - Dr. Joan Z. Borysenko is a pioneer of integrative medicine, exploring the mind–body connection for a holistic approach to healing. She also became a licensed psychologist, emphasizing the power of the mind to heal the body and releasing numerous books on the subject. As an accompaniment to her book Inner Peace for Busy People, she teams up with music healing expert Don Campbell. His background includes a lifetime of music education at various conservatories, extensive travel and spiritual study in Haiti, Japan, and Bali, as well as a degree in neurology. The awareness of the spiritual self was the final key to his music, and he released numerous books on linking music to ! healing. It is a musical accompaniment to Borysenko's book of the same title and, as Campbell says, "[gives us] the magical pathway to open air, placid lakes, and memories of the great spirit that shifts, heals, and lifts…."
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    Be Love Now (book) - Ram Dass, one of America's most beloved spiritual teachers, sparked a revolution forty years ago with the publication of Be Here Now. This landmark classic inspired an entire generation to see the world in a different light. Over the past four decades Ram Dass has been a beacon for seekers worldwide, challenging us to find new sources of meaning and purpose in our lives. Be Love Now is the third book in a trilogy that began with Be Here Now and was followed by Still Here, Ram Dass's acclaimed work on aging, changing, and dying. In Be Love Now, Ram Dass shares what he has learned in his remarkable four-decade-long spiritual journey. Through timeless teaching stories, compelling and often hum! orous personal anecdotes, and soul-stirring insights, Ram Dass tracks the stages of his own awakening in his trademark down-to-earth style.
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