Tuesday, November 30, 2010

DailyOM: Putting Our Tools to Use

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November 30, 2010
Putting Our Tools to Use
Bringing Inspiration into Form

Many of us have so many life tools we have learned, but sometimes we forget to use them. Revisit your toolbox.

Every craftsperson has a toolbox full of tools and a number of techniques to help them bring inspiration into form. In the same way, throughout our lives, we have discovered our own life tools and techniques—the ways and means that have helped us create our lives up to this point. Sometimes we forget about the tools and skills we've acquired, and we wonder why we aren't moving forward. At times like these, it might just be a matter of remembering what we already know, and rediscovering the tools we already have at our disposal.

In the process of becoming who we are and creating our lives, we have all gone through the experience of being inspired to do something and then finding the tools we needed to do it. If we look back, we may be able to remember that we used, for example, the tool of writing every day in order to clarify our intentions. We may also have used the tools of ritual, meditation, or visualization to make something happen. In addition, we may have been fueled by a new idea about how the universe works, which is what gave us the inspiration to use these tools.

In order for ideas to be powerful, they must be imbued with the energy of our engagement with them, and in order for tools to be effective they must be put to use. This sounds obvious, but often we fall into the habit of thinking we are engaging with ideas and using tools by virtue of the fact that we are reading about them, or listening to other people talk about them. In truth, using our tools is a very personal action, one we must take on behalf of ourselves. Like artists, we are each unique and no two of us will receive the same inspiration, nor will we bring it into form in the same two ways. To discover the truth of our own vision, we must take action by remembering our tools and putting them to use.

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  Bringing Inspiration into Form

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    Monday, November 29, 2010

    DailyOM: Living for Ourselves

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    Click Here for Skinny Thinking: Taking Off the Weight

    November 29, 2010
    Living for Ourselves
    Trying to Please Others

    We don't need to live seeking approval from our parents or others; this can be overcome no matter what your age.

    Most of us come to a point in our lives when we question why we are doing what we are doing, and many of us come to realize that we may be living our lives in an effort to make our parents happy. This realization can dawn when we are in our 20s, our 40s, or even later, depending upon how tight a hold our family of origin has on our psyche. We may feel shocked or depressed by this information, but we can trust that it is coming to us at this time because we are ready to find out what it would mean to live our lives for ourselves, following the call of our own soul, and refusing any longer to be beholden to someone else's expectations.

    One of the most common reasons we are so tied into making our parents, or others, happy, is that we were not properly mirrored when we were children. We were not honored as individuals in our own right, with a will and purpose of our own, to be determined by our own unfolding. As a result, we learned to look outside of ourselves for approval, support, and direction rather than look within. The good news is that the part of us that was not adequately nurtured is still there, inside us, like a seed that has not yet received the sunlight and moisture it needs to open and to allow its inner contents to unfurl. It is never too late to provide ourselves with what we need to awaken this inner being.

    There are many ways to create a safe container for ourselves so that we can turn within and shine the light of awareness there. We may join a support group, go to therapy, or start a practice of journaling every day for half an hour. This experience of becoming is well worth the difficult work that may be required of us to get there. In whatever process we choose, we may feel worse before we feel better, but we will ultimately find out how to live our lives for ourselves and how to make ourselves happy.

    Top 10 DailyOM Courses:

    1. Make Yourself a Money Magnet
    2. A Year of Rumi
    3. The Skinny Thinking Thought Diet
    4. Heal Your Money Karma
    5. Find True Love in 27 Days
    6. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
    7. Master the Keys of Spiritual Protection
    8. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
    9. 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse
    10. Skinny Thinking: Taking Off The Weight

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    Click here for the movie WALK-IN by DailyOM co-founder Scott Blum

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    A Year of Rumi

    From the Library:
    The Answer to How is Yes: Acting on What Matters
    by Peter Block

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    Friday, November 26, 2010

    DailyOM: Your Wellspring of Energy

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    November 26, 2010
    Your Wellspring of Energy
    A Stress-Free Home

    No matter where you live or what type of home you live in, taking care of your dwelling is also caring for your soul.

    Sometimes our lives are so busy that we treat our homes as if they were impersonal places that we merely pass through. But we can make certain that our homes truly feel like our sanctuaries by taking the time to tend to them like gardens, which need care in order to offer us the beauty of their blooms. When we take the time to treat our homes like beloved treasures, we can shift their energy from being merely places to being wellsprings for the replenishment of our energy.

    Consider that homes are the outer reflections of those who live within. If we feel that the current appearance clashes with how we'd like to see ourselves, it can keep us from fully allowing our light to shine. Updating our homes to reflect our inner landscape need not involve massive redecorating or a large outlay of money. Small things can make a big difference, like simply moving items so that we constantly gaze upon the things we love the most, liberating the treasures we've hidden in our closets, using our best dishes and making small repairs. Organizing and cleaning is a no-cost way to remove chaos from our homes and introduce more calm. Lovingly rejuvenating our personal space can become a creative project that increases the flow of good throughout all aspects of our lives and increases our feeling of connection. We can give old things new life by donating them to charity, opening space for newness to enter. Removing stress from our homes can be as simple as putting o! ur bills into pretty boxes and choosing a specific time to deal with them, or removing clutter so that we and our energy can move freely throughout our space.

    Simplifying our space lets our imagination and energy roam free. We can choose to prioritize our homes, making them the true heart of our family's activities. Then we are free to focus on what really matters—time to ourselves, to share with loved ones, and to replenish our energy so that we have more to share with each other and with the world.

    Top 10 DailyOM Courses:

    1. Make Yourself a Money Magnet
    2. Master the Keys of Spiritual Protection
    3. A Year of Rumi
    4. Heal Your Money Karma
    5. The Skinny Thinking Thought Diet
    6. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
    7. Find True Love in 27 Days
    8. 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse
    9. How to Fire Up Your Chakras
    10. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul

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    Falling in Love with Yourself with Mother Mary

    From the Library:
    The Force of Kindness: Change Your Life with Love and Compassion
    by Sharon Salzberg

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