Monday, May 31, 2010

DailyOM: Being a Container

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May 31, 2010
Being a Container
Holding Space For Others

Sometimes we are called simply to hold space for a friend as they go through whatever they need to go through.

We have all been called upon at one time or another to help a loved one through a difficult time. When the help required consists of concrete actions, such as running errands or making phone calls, we know what to do. But sometimes we are called simply to hold space for the person as they go through whatever they need to go through. They may need to express anger or grief; they may need to talk or be silent. They may need us to hold their hand; they may need us to give them time alone. Whatever the case, when we hold space for someone, we offer ourselves up as a container for the overwhelming feelings they may be encountering due to their circumstances.

When we offer ourselves in this way, the more centered and grounded we are, the better. Our steadiness allows our companion to lean into us for support, as our presence provides an environment in which they can be free to move. We can also help by being responsive, allowing them to dictate the flow of action from talking to not talking, from anger to grief, and back again. By being aware and open, we can help them confront their feelings when that feels right, and back off from them when they need a break. Holding space requires humility, conscientiousness, and the ability to step out of the way, to honestly understand that this is not about us.

When we love someone in this way, we provide a space in which they can simply be. Able to feel what they need to feel without worrying about how they are being perceived. We can provide this offering in person, over the phone, or even from a distance, through meditation. However we do it, when we hold space for someone in need, we are offering a gift of the highest nature.

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  Holding Space For Others

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True Love in 27 Days

From the Library:
100 Words, Two Hundred Visionaries
by William Murtha

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    Friday, May 28, 2010

    DailyOM: Begetting Change

    Today's DailyOM brought to you by:

    May 28, 2010
    Begetting Change
    Same Choices, Same Results

    If our patterns of thought and behavior remain unchanged our lives will continue to unfold much as they have previously.

    Repeated bouts of adversity are an unavoidable aspect of human existence. We battle against our inner struggles or outer world forces, and in many cases, we emerge on the opposite side of struggle stronger and better equipped to cope with the challenges yet to come. However, we can occasionally encounter trials that seem utterly hopeless. We strike at them with all of our creativity and perseverance, hoping desperately to bring about change, only to meet with the same results as always. Our first instinct in such situations is often to push harder against the seemingly immovable obstruction before us, assuming that this time we will be met with a different outcome. But staying power and stamina net us little when the same choices consistently garner the same results. A change in perspective, behavior, or response can do so much more to help us move past points where no amount of effort seems sufficient to overcome the difficulties before us.

    Whether our intention is to change ourselves or some element of the world around us, we cannot simply wish for transformation or hope that our lives will be altered through circumstance. If our patterns of thought and behavior remain unchanged, our lives will continue to unfold much as they have previously. Patterns in which fruitless efforts prevail can be overcome with self examination and courage. It is our bravery that allows us to question the choices we have made thus far and to channel our effort into innovation. Asking questions and making small adjustments to your thought processes and behaviors will help you discover what works, so you can leave that which does not work behind you. To break free from those unconscious patterns that have long held sway over your actions and reactions, you will likely have to challenge your assumptions on a most basic level. You must accept once and for all that your beliefs with regard to cause and effect may no longer be in accorda! nce with your needs.

    Stagnation is often a sign that great changes are on the horizon. Courting the change you wish to see in yourself and in the world around you is a matter of acknowledging that only change begets change. The results you so ardently want to realize are well within the realm of possibility, and you need only step away from the well-worn circular path to explore the untried paths that lie beyond it.

    Top 10 DailyOM Courses:

    1. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
    2. Find True Love in 27 Days
    3. Heal Your Money Karma
    4. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
    5. Feng Shui Secrets
    6. Permanent Weight Loss with Self-Hypnosis
    7. Falling in Love with Yourself
    8. Heal Yourself With Ayurveda
    9. Heal Yourself with Writing
    10. 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse

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    A Year of Rumi

    From the Library:
    The Kybalion
    by Three Initiates

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    DailyOM: Oh My God, Breathing, 7 Great Prayers


    May 28, 2010
    Oh My God, Breathing, 7 Great Prayers
    Gift of the Week

    Oh My God (DVD) - One filmmaker, 23 countries, one question; "What is God?" Frustrated with religious turmoil, filmmaker Peter Rodger sets out on a global quest to understand why the concept of God has become politicized. The result is a stunningly beautiful film featuring inviting faces and personalities who are a touching reminder of the melting pot that we call humanity.

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    Breathing (CD) - An organic, deep-rooted music collective helmed by peaceful warrior/drummer Craig Kohland, Shaman's Dream facilitates rhythmic operations in the theaters of meditation, trance and healing. Kohland brings together an array of aural colors, shades, and shapes ranging from ambient nature sounds to percussion and guitar to eastern instruments, painting pictures of deep solace and profound contemplation perfect for ecstatic movement and inner tranquility.

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    The 7 Great Prayers (book) -
    Paul and Tracey originally created The 7 Great Prayers in response to their own financial and personal challenges. One sleepless night, they prayed a simple prayer that focused on their blessings rather than on all they were losing and had lost. This prayer of gratitude was life-changing. Newly inspired, they created six more simple prayers that helped to attract new blessings into their lives. These powerful prayers gave hope to people of all nationalities and faiths, kept them positive through difficult times, and deepened their love for life.

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